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Rey's POV-

I grabbed shorts from the backseat and put them on. Then I took another pair and covered Caleb with it. I mindlinked Dominic about the current situation and how we escaped and are on our way to his pack. Dominic is the Alpha of BloodWood Pack. His pack is quite big too but not as big as Redmoon.

Dominic , Caleb , Alexander and I are childhood best friends. We used to go to the same school but Dominic drifted apart when he turned 18 as he had to take up the duty as Alpha and Alexander's PMSing eversince he turned 20. But this time he crossed all the limits.

My blood boiled again thinking about what he did.

"What happened to her?",I breathed out while eyeing Lilly.

"She was being stubborn and wouldn't budge out of that room without Caleb", Cassie shrugged and I shaked my head.

We were nearing the border and I could see BloodWood's patrols. As soon as we entered their land, two wolves started running behind our car but it is just a way of welcoming in our world.

Soon we were outside the pack house and Dominic is outside waiting for us.

I quickly got out of the car. I needed to take Caleb to the pack doctor.

"Dom!We need the pack doctor. Now!", I panicked. I know it might seem odd that I talking like this to the Alpha but he is like my brother. We practically grew up together. And I respect him a lot but right now I am just desperate to take Caleb to the doctor. His wounds are still bleeding, they should've healed by now.

"Calm down Rey! Caleb's a strong wolf. He will be fine and the pack doctor is already here."

I calmed down a bit. He looked behind me towards Lilly's unconscious body inside the car. 

"So she is his mate?", he asked with a .. skeptic look on his face? As if he knows her.

"Yeah. That's Lillian. Lilly. Is something wrong",I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh nothing, I am just wondering why did he do it?", Dom furrowed his eyebrows. "I can't believe he can do such thing. I am shocked"

"So am I.  But yeah, it's true. And look at Caleb. What he did to him!", I growled. "When I saw Lilly like that I ran straight to their room and I don't know what would've happened if I was a bit late", I shuddered.

"Heck, I don't know what would've happened to Lilly if Caleb entered the room a bit later", I spoke furiously.

I am so mad but this is not the time for that. Two warrior wolves carried Caleb inside the Pack house to one of the guest room where the pack doctor is already present and the necessary equipments and arrangements are already made.

The healer started healing his wounds as we waited outside.


2 hours later-

Lily's POV

"Why is he still unconscious?", I couldn't help but let out a sob. It is my fault. All of it is my fault.

I should've told Caleb about that ass the first time he entered the room when I was alone. But I did not.  I was so stupid to understand what his real intentions were. I just thought that he is doing all this because he is still pissed about that text thing. And he would just scare me a bit so that I stay in my limits. But he had other intentions.

It's been an hour since I am up. When I looked at Caleb, he looked unharmed. There are no bruises or cuts anywhere as Cassie told me that the healer healed them but he is still unconcious. Cassie stayed with me the whole time trying to console me. Rey and Alpha Dom came here once in between to check but their visit was brief as they had important matters to discuss, though I did not miss their worried glance directed towards Caleb's direction.

The doctor said that he should be up in an hour but it's three hours already. I couldn't help but let out more sobs. But after a few minutes, I heard the sentence I've been dying to hear-

"Look. His eyes are fluttering", Cassie exclaimed with joy.

I stood up and held his hands. And slowly he opened his eyes.

As soon as his eyes opened, they met mine. His magnetic eyes.

"Lilly. A-are you okay?", he asked worriedly. Damn ,this guy... He has been out for three hours, he is the one lying on the bed and as soon as he wakes up the first thing he asks is if I am okay. And in that moment, he took my heart with him. I hugged him hard and tears of joy ran down my eyes.

"C-Caleb... I was so scared. I am so sorry it's all my fault. I never want to lose you. Never. "

He hugged me back , "It is not that easy to get rid of me", he chuckled.

"Well, I don't want to get rid of you. Never. "

"I am here, with you and always will be. I will never leave you, I promise"

I looked up at him and the only thing I felt was love. Deep and passionate love.

I cupped his face in my hands and without thinking I crashed my lips with his. He seemed surprised at first but after a few seconds his lips started moving in sync with mine.

I broke the kiss and brought my lips near his ears. My heart is pounding at the thought of what I am about to do.

"Caleb", I whispered in a barely audible tone. He hummed in response while his hands were still wrapped around my torso.

"I am in love with you", I said and let out a deep breathe. And the room is engulfed in silence. My heart is beating frantically.

Each second that passed by was more agonizing than the previous one as I felt that he is not going to say it back.

"I love you too, my love"

And my heart and I melted right there in his embrace. I wanted this moment to last forever. I felt sublime. I felt different. I felt loved. The feeling of being wanted, loved and cherished.

This is the kind of joy I've never experienced before.

And with that I let my lips meet with his again..

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