Thirty one

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Rey's POV-

It's been five minutes since I am conscious again. Cassie went to tell everyone. There is faint smell of my mate in the air. I can't wait to see her..

Suddenly the door opened and I she was standing right in front of me. She is such an angel but I scrunched up my nose when I saw here eyes. They are red and puffy.

Mate was crying, Parker whimpered.  She ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my body.

"Oh my God! Are you okay? I got so scared", my beautiful mate said embracing me.

I pulled her closer to me taking in her soothing fragrance, calming Parker down.

"I am fine, please don't cry now", I said softly while holding her hands. They are soft as cotton even though she is the Gamma which means that she must be trained hard.

She looked in my eyes and gave me a bright smile. She wiped her tears away and then in the next moment, she crashed her lips over mine.

At first I was shocked. I was not expecting this but then I started moving my lips in sync with her.

It tasted like honey and apples. I love it. My heart is hammering against my chest and Parker is howling with happiness . I can feel my--

A loud thud indicated that someone opened the door and we broke the kiss. I lifted my head to see Cassie cringing at the sight.

If she were happy with her mate, I would've definitely smirked at that but keeping the current situation in mind, I did not react.

"God guys, I can see that once Rey is out of the infirmary, you both are gonna go wild. By the way , I am just leaving , you guys carry on ", she said and turned around while winking at me.

Not for once did I see any kind of sadness on her face. She is still happy for me. And keeping her sadness aside.  For Me

I smiled at that.

"So... I haven't seen you here before. Tell me everything", asked my mate in her sweet voice while batting here eyelashes at me.

She is cute.

I smiled at her.

"I am from RedMoon Pack. I was the Gamma there--

"RedMoon pack?", she interrupted me furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah. Is something wrong with that?"

"Uh.. No, it's just.. It's nothing ", she looked so adorable while doing that but at the same time, she is a terrible liar .

"Tell me", I said sternly.

"Actually, your previous Alpha, that is Alpha of RedMoon is responsible for your this condition. He is behind the havoc that took place in the ceremony ", she sighed with a mix of anger and sadness in her voice .

"What!? Alexander! I can't fucking ... Well considering the kind of deeds he did in the past, I don't know anymore what he is capable of doing", I sighed.

"But how do you know this?"

"When you were unconscious,  RedMoon's messenger came here . I don't know what he said but I am sure that he did it. At least that's what Lilly and Caleb said. And then we all went downstairs to Lilly's look alike ... I am forgetting her name", she said looking into space.

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