thirty seven

67 5 3

Caleb's POV-

We marched towards no man's land with our warriors and weaponry. As Dom has instructed,  my group is marching to the Western front. 

My body is full of rage. No matter what, I am going to protect my pack till my last breath. I can't afford to lose this war because I know as soon as he gets inside the pack house, he'll target Lilly. I need to do to it for both Lilly and my child.

"Bro, where are our allies? ", Rey asked me in a hushed tone so as to not cause any chaos amongst the warriors . We don't want them to think that we are outnumbered.

"Dom contacted them. They are reaching ", I told him reassuringly.

"They better hurry", that's all he said. We reached the Eastern front and saw that Dom and Beta were also at their positions along with their groups.

And on the opposite side stood that jackass. He had this cunning smirk on his face and there were bruises and cuts on his face. He looked like a mad dog. He let out an evil chuckle and then
turn towards Dom.

"Dominic Rodriguez,  what a pleasure!", he said in a wicked tone like the serpent he is.

"I wish I could say the same,  Alexander", Dom spat venomously .

"But why bestie? You forgot our bro code, huh?", he said feigning hurt.

"You forgot it the day you laid hands on Caleb's mate so don't even speak about it ", Dom said through gritted teeth. Anger is evident in his dark tone. Suddenly,  Alexander's stance changed. He stiffened and his eyes grew darker.

"This whole fiasco could've been avoided if you have just given her to me. But no, you needed a chance to be Caleb and Lilly's Robin hood so here we are.  But I won't stop till I get Lilly , she is mine"

As soon as those words left his mouth,  Drew and I both went crazy. I let out an ear ripping growl and everyone's eyes were on me.

"Mine", I snarled loudly and he just scoffed.

"You're still a pup to me, Caleb. It won't take me long to rip your throat out. Actually I have an even better idea, I won't kill you. I'll let you live and make you witness when I take your precious mate and make her my plaything. Thay will do the job of killing you perfectly", Alexander said with a satisfied smirk on his face and I lost it. I growled loudly.

I snarled and bared my fangs at him, threatening him." Listen here you fucking piece of turd, if you even laid a finger on my mate , I'll rip that finger out of your hands. I will tear you apart limb by limb, slowly and painfully and then I'll feed your bones to dogs and your flesh to the crows. Stay the hell away from my mate", I growled and Drew nodded in agreement.

We all were ready to attack. We were just waiting for the second siren to buzz announcing the final war.

As soon as the voice of siren reached our ears, we all jumped in the air, lunging forward and shifting. I looked beside me to see Rey's grey wolf in full  charge.

Alexander's warrior came running to us. I ripped the throat of two warriors that lunged at me. The thing here is that I know almost all of his warriors personally. And I also know that they are fighting this war unwillingly. It's just because of Alexander's madness.

It's hard to kill these warriors when I've known them their whole lives and I also know that they are not at fault here . But then again if I won't kill them, they'll kill me and my pack members.

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