thirty five

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Lilly's POV-

I haven't seen Caleb's face since our arguement this morning. I am mad , hurt and I feel kind of guilty.

Maybe I am being too stubborn. And Caleb's point is not entirely wrong. I mean a new born needs the attention of both parents. But I am not fine with what he said to me today at all.

How can he say such a thing? And did he even feel guilty about it?

Then why hasn't he tried to talk to me since morning. I haven't even seen his face. Is he really that busy or is he doing it purposely to torment me.

I just laid there on the bed waiting for him with my eyes closed. My eyes fluttered open as I felt the bed shift beside me. I felt a sudden warmth and instantly i knew that Caleb is here.

I kept my eyes closed and kept on acting as if I am asleep.

Suddenly I heard a chuckle. Why is he laughing?

"This is pretty much like the first time we met. You still are so bad at acting as if you are asleep. I know you aren't asleep, Lilly ", he said softly while chuckling and for a moment I almost gave in. I was about to giggle along with him but I kept my gaurd up.

He sat silently for two minutes but when he realized that I am not going to give in, he let out a long sigh.

I felt him snuggle closer to me and then he wrapped his heavy arm around my waist and snuggled his face in my neck.

"Lilly, I am so sorry about what I said earlier. I really am. I did not mean it though, I just said it in the heat of the moment", his lips brushed against my skin as he speaked and tingles went down my spine.

I felt a little relieved as those words left his mouth. But at the same time I felt guilty too. I think it's about time that I apologize too.

"I love you Lilly, I love you a lot. I just... I got so excited and I felt so happy when doctor told us that you are pregnant. You were right. We need to think it through. I was being irrational.  I just want our pup to grow in the best environment. I want to give our child everything. Best parenting. Best training. Best education . Best morals... I want us to be the best parents i-in the w-world", his voice cracked at the end and I turned around immediately to saw his eyes filled with unshed tears.

Tears threatened to spill and I cupped his cheeks. A tear ran down his eye and my heart ached at the sight.

I am so damn stupid. I made him cry.

I quickly wiped his tears as more tears slipped out of his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and closed the gap between us. I snuggled up to him and my own throat felt heavy now.

"Caleb, no don't cry please. I am sorry too. You were not entirely wrong. Your point was valid to an extent. I thought about it and I think that community college is not that bad. And I don't think that it is so much to sacrifice for my pup...our pup... But what you said earlier, it just hurt me a lot. You said it as if I asked for it", I said telling him all that is going on in my mind.

"And I am sorry for that. I felt so bad after lashing out at you. Like I said I was being irrational. And Lilly you don't create issues out of everything and it was not only your responsibility but mine too. You are the most amazing women and what you said just now, it just..  I.. I don't know how to thank you. You don't have any idea about how lucky I feel right now to have you in my life", Caleb said while still embracing me.

"I love you Caleb", I said clinging onto him. I felt so loved at that moment but I was mad at myself. I made him cry. He is my everything. And I know that he will be the best father in the world.

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