thirty eighth

70 4 1

Lilly's POV-

Cassie and I ran to the infirmary. The pack doctors were already there and about three guards were also there.

We gathered them all.

"As Healers and doctors, it is our duty to heal our injured warriors out there sacrificing their lives for us. How many of you are willing to come out with me and bring the causalities inside to treat them?", Cassie asked and power dissipated from her voice.

All the guards were more than eager to help and even some doctors stepped forward.

"We need to hurry. We must take wheel beds or wheelchairs. Let's go immediately", Cassie said hurriedly and everyone rushed.

I also went after Cassie. Immediately she turned stopped and looked at me,

"I think you should stay here", she said hurriedly.

"No way ", I whined.

"Yes Lilly stay here. You can help here too. Alexander will be out there and he will go crazy if he sees you and what about your baby? There will be chaos out there. What if you get pushed by someone and hit the ground? We can't risk it. Think about your baby", she said and stormed off leaving me there.

I debated whether I should go or not and came to the conclusion that she is right. I can't risk going out with a baby in my womb. I went back to the ward and sat there while my heart thumped in anticipation.

Caleb's fine... He is fine.. I chanted again and again as if my life depended on it. I feel no pain in my body except for a little in my shoulder so that's positive, right?

I let out a long breath when suddenly Cassie stormed back in. Cole was lying on the bed and his clothes were ragged. His whole torso is drenched in blood. It is a horrifying sight.

Two guards followed her with two injured warriors on the wheelchairs. They were in a pretty bad shape and drenched in blood too. Tears were streaming down Cassie's eyes . I ran to her.

"Y-you will be f-fine. I will heal y-you. I w-will use each and every ounce of my healing power until I heal y-you" , she cried while Cole struggled to stay conscious.

He parted his lips to say something but he winced in pain on even moving his face muscles.

"C-cassand-dra, I-I am s-sorry. I haven't
been the mate you w-wished for. I-I hurt you.  I-I a-am sorry", he breathed out and Cassie held on to his hands.

"No. Don't say that please. Nothing will happen . I will heal you", she said entering the ward.

She quickly stopped and started waving her hands over his wound in a zig zag motion. I looked at it carefully to realize she was moving them such that it makes two circles joined together at the circumference. It looked like the symbol of infinity.

Her eyes are closed and it looks like she is concentrating on something. Concentrating very hard. Suddenly golden light started illuminating her hands and it started seeping inside Cole's wound.

She kept on doing it and the wound started healing at a very slow rate. After about five minutes of her doing it, blood stopped flowing from one edge of his wound. I don't know if it's normal but it looked like it was being healed very slowly.

After ten minutes , she looked exhausted. Her knees were trembling. Cole was unconscious and his face looked pale. He laid there still while Cassie used all her powers to heal him.

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