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It's been four weeks since I am here. Everything's between me and Caleb is going good except for the parts when he talks about marking me. He insists that I let him mark me but I don't want to be marked. I am not ready for it. At first I was adamant about it but slowly I was loosening up.

I also figured that I kind of like Caleb.
I called my parents few weeks ago and boy, were they furious when I told them about Caleb.

I mean I never told them about the werewolf part. Of course, they'd think I am crazy. I just told them that I met this guy and I really want to give our relationship a chance. They were like 'what about college and career'. So I just threw the I am eighteen plus now and can make my own decisions card at them. But only I know how bad I felt while doing so. I am so ambitious about my career and it was taking all of me to not tell them that this idiot kidnapped me. And even if I wanted to tell them, i couldn't as Caleb was standing right there supervising me the whole damn time.

I created a fuss about my studies right after that. I wanted to go to Imperial  College of arts but Caleb was stern in his decision of allowing me to go to the college nearby.

So after two days of convincing, he finally agreed to send me there. Although he seemed a bit upset about it but he said that if pursuing my dreams is what'll make me happy then I should definitely go.

Actually it was in that moment that I realized that Caleb actually do care for my happiness and I started building a soft spot for him.

I am sitting alone in the room thinking about all that happened in the last few days. Caleb went out for some pack business.  As days are going by, I am getting more accustomed to my life here.  All these thoughts were going on in my mind when suddenly Mr. Alpha entered the room.

All the air got sucked out of my lungs. Why is he here?

I bowed down my head in respect as Caleb told me to do. Maybe then he'll just go away.

"How is my favorite Beta's mate doing?", he said in a wicked tone.

"I am doing good. Why are you here?", I couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I assume that you really don't like me coming here", he said walking towards me.

"With all due respect, our encounters haven't been so nice. When we first talked over internet , it was certain that none of us liked each other and considering the fact that you were about to hit me last time you were here,  your presence is not very likeable.'

He let out a dark chuckle at that.
Is he mad or something?

"Oh! So that's why you were shaking like that. You thought I raised my hand to hit you", he said walking towards me.

Now he was just inches away from me.
"Actually I raised it to do this", he said while caressing my cheeks.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me", I said backing away.

He faked a sad face and said , "Why? What's wrong?"

"Caleb is my mate."

"Yeah. I know. I don't have a problem with that sweetheart "

"But I do. I am Caleb's mate and I am loyal to him. So don't fucking touch me", I spat.

"Oh! Does your mate know that you love someone else? I mean when we talked that day you were quite adamant  that you love someone else. And since you had so much faith in this 'love' of yours, I am sure that it will take more than four weeks to get over it."

Is he blackmailing me? I was glaring at him when suddenly his face scrunched up.

"That mutt is coming. I'll come back again for you", he said with his usual smirk and walked out.

Minutes after he walked out, Caleb came inside the room.

"How many times have I told you to keep the door locked when I am not around?", Caleb sighed.

"Yeah. I am sorry", I said. My voice came out to weak.

"What's wrong?", he asked while laying beside me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I let him snuggle with me while sleeping but that's all we do, nothing more than that.

He wanted to mark me and go public. He said that I would be allowed to roam in the pack house freely if I am marked or even if we make it public that we are mates. But each time he asked for it , I refused.

But maybe it's not a bad idea. If he marks me then maybe Alpha ASSander will stay away from me. And it's  just not that. He cares for me and he makes some effort to show to me that he cares and that's all that matters. And I guess that I am ready for it. If marking me will make our bond strong then I really want him to do that. I wish he marks me tonight.

It's been an hour since we were lying like that and this idiot was snoring in my ear. Not a single night goes by when he do no speak about marking me. But now that I want him to mark me, he slept without uttering a word about it.

I felt frustrated about it and huffed angrily. I don't know when but I drifted off to sleep soon after.


I was sleeping peacefully but then Caleb woke me up.

"Good morning sunshine", he greeted cheerfully.

I don't know how he is so energetic in the morning. I am not a morning person at all. I am just a lethargic bean bag in the morning. I let out a yawn.

"Here's your breakfast.  Now I am going out for some important pack business. Keep the door locked. I'll be back in two hours."


And today I seriously locked the door after he went out. It felt safe.

I looked at my breakfast and I drooled at the sight of pancakes with maple syrup. I quickly brushed my teeth and then I stuffed my mouth with yummy pancakes.

What if he doesn't  speak about marking me today too? I thought while eating. Something notorious popped up in my head

"I'll make sure that he marks me once he sets his foot inside this room today",I said while smirking deviously.

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