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"Untie my hands", I roared.

"So that you can jump out of the moving car again?", he cocked his eyebrows.

I don't know how many hours have passed since we got past that forest and now in this car going to his so called home. I was tired of all the yelling and struggling so I just closed my eyes and sat there quietly. There is no way I can escape with my hands tied together so it's better to relax and gain some energy.


I was startled when the car haulted with a jolt. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were outside a huge mansion. It was majestic , like those mansions that one usually see in Luxe Interiors.

Is this the house of this kidnapper?

And i bet he has other partners too because no way in hell he lives alone in this gigantic mansion.


Right now my major concern was to get out of here.

"Untie me now"

He glared at me.
"We are at the pack house now and soon you'll be meeting the guy you talked to earlier. And here's a piece of advice, 'behave in front of him'. He is a man of great power and authority", he said in a stern tone and I felt my heart stop.

Did he just said what i think he said?

Pack house?

That guy?

Oh. My. God.

So that guy really is a psychopath.  He is behind all this. Why am i so stupid? Why did i have to pick up a fight with him?

God save me now.

"I don't want to meet this psychopath who kidnapped me just because I didn't believe in the shit he said", I said trying to keep a brave facade but only i knew that right now i am so scared that i might even piss my pants.

"What did I just told you? Don't you understand? Behave", he said sternly.
"It's for your own good", he added with a hint of politeness in his voice.

Without giving me any time, he dragged me by my elbow and as we were walking down the halls, people were looking my way.

They belomged to all age groups and I've encountered so many people in this short span of time. This is not just these two guys, they have a whole racket. I am so fucked.

Actually no, they were not looking, they were staring at me but suddenly everyone looked away as if they got scared by something or someone I might add.

I saw a tall man coming towards us. He was blonde and had blue eyes. He haulted right in front of us.

"So.. Is this the girl from internet?", he asked with a look of amusement plastered on his face.

"Yes, Rey"

Rey had a smirk on his the whole time. You know that ' I am above all ' kinda smirk that wants you to punch the person in the face.

Without sparing Rey another glance , he continued dragging me. I don't even know his name.

"What is your name?", i blurted out before i could stop myself. Why am i even asking? Oh yeah right so that i have a name to give to police when i escape this freakshow.


"Okay since you don't have a name, I am going to call you Mr. Grumpy"

Yup. Suites him.

He rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance which gave me a sense of satisfaction. Finally we stopped in front of a door that looked just like the rest of the doors that were in the hallway.

Mr. Grumpy looked at me and then he leaned down. A shiver ran down my spine. His breathe fanned over my neck and he whispered in my ear , " Behave"

And with that he knocked the door leaving me in a trance.

"Come in", a manly voice said from inside the room. As soon as we entered the room , my eyes started observing the room until they noticed a man sitting on the sofa in the corner of the room.

That man was well built and insanely handsome. His face was perfect rather than the fact that he had a scar running down his cheek. And I had to admit that he did look like someone with tremendous power and authority.

"Excellent , Beta Caleb", he said in his deep voice.

Oh , so his name is Caleb. Caleb. That sounded so good.

Wait. Beta??? Seriously.  These people are crazy. I need to focus.
Focus Lily , focus.

"You can leave her to me now. You can go."

And with that my heart started racing. I was scared. I was so scared , I could literally feel my feet shaking. I don't want to be alone with him. I don't know why , but somehow I feel safer with Caleb present here. I don't want him to leave me alone with this crazy guy even though he is also a patt of his gang.

"Yes , Alpha", he said hesitantly as if he was having an inner feud whether he should leave or not.

Alpha!? So he believes in this shit too??? Why am i even surprised and what was i even expecting?

As I was thinking all this, loud thumping of footsteps brought me out of my trance. Caleb was leaving.
I don't know what got into me but all of a sudden I found myself grasping his hand as he turned around to leave. Sparks erupted throughout my hands. It was a strange feeling but it felt so damn good. But why was I feeling them?

This is not the time to think about that. I looked straight into his eyes hoping he'd either stay or take me with him. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want to get out of here. This so called Alpha is scary and me trusting Caleb with my safety is even scarier. After all, he is the one who kidnapped me.

"Seems like you two got along well", the Alpha said in a mocking tone while his eyes watching our hands like hawk. That was when I took my hand away and lowered my eyes.

"Caleb ,leave. I won't  repeat again", his tone grew darker and with that , Caleb just left.

He turned around while opening the door and for a moment there , I thought I saw some emotion in his eyes. An emotion of .....pain?
And then the most unexpected thing happened, his eyes suddenly became dark as if darkness engulfed them.
And... and.. his canines grew out.

"Mine",he roared.

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