thirty two

77 5 12

Rey's POV-

I tore the IV needles and wires and ran out of the door without giving a damn about the blood dripping off my hand.

Jasmine followed behind me. She was constantly telling me to stop and go back to the infirmary but right now all I can see is red.

I trailed after Cassie's scent. I can't let her go. No matter how old she is, she is still a child to me. I've practically raised her after our parents died twelve years ago. I won't let her go alone in those secluded woods with that mate of hers.

And who knows how he is? I mean my reasons are valid. He has not exactly treated Cassie like he should have so far.

I followed her scent and I noticed that it trailed outside the door.

Did she ...

No, this can't be happening.

I will drag her ass back here if she has already left. I opened the door and saw Cassie embracing that mutt.

He looked down at her and his eyes looked pained. His expressions were pained and it looked as if it was hurting him to see Cassie like this.

He took in her scent and looked up. That's when he noticed my presence and his stance changed. He immediately pushed Cassie away.

She stumbled back and was about to fall but I got to her. I growled loudly and looked him in the eyes.

"W-why are you d-doing this to me? I am your m-mate", Cassie said stuttering and sniffling.

"I already told you. Why don't you understand? You have no future with me. Just look at this", he said while pointing to the pack house, "my small, ragged , and temporary hut with holes in the ceiling could never protect you against rain like this tall building can. The rough straws and the cold floor will never give you the comfort that your bed at this house will give you. I have no certainty in my life. I don't even know if Elyza and I will sleep with food in our stomach tonight or not. Moreover you are not safe out there. Do you even know how difficult it is to be a rogue? You don't. You're the sister of a guy with a rank, with a title. You will never be able to live such a life that me and Elyza live. Also , you really wouldn't want to witness the monster I really am", he spat angrily.

His chest heaving up and down with anger. My grip around Cassie's shoulder tightened and I was about to interject but Cassie beat me to it.

"Why don't you join this pack then? Or any damn pack in the world?",Cassie yelled.

"I have my reasons", he said reluctantly.

"What reasons?"

"Personal. Reasons.", he said through gritted teeth, "I just can't stay at one place for long periods of time. Trust me you'll be happy here. I don't want you to live like a nomad like I do"

"Are you insane? I will never be happy without you. Without my mate. What are you even running from?"

His eyes became pitch black and he started shaking.

"None of your fucking business ", he spat. He let out a deep breath, "I, Cole Ja-

"Enough", I growled and everyone went silent.

Enough of this nonsense.

"I know the person you're running from. Elyza told us everything. I promise you my protect-

"It's not my protection I am worried about",he interjected. "It's Elyza's protection,  it's her protection ", he said while pointing at Cassie,"that I am worried about"

At that moment I felt kinda relieved. Not the keyword , 'kinda'. At least he mentioned her. Maybe there's still hope for them.

"Well, she is safe here and so will be your sister. I promise you no harm will come to them. Stay here. Stay in this pack", I said sternly.

"No. I can't risk her life. I can't risk it. You don't know what he did to her. I can't let him anywhere near her. And if he came to know that she is here, then I don't think anyone would be able to stop that monster ", he said.

"You are concerned about her safety right? Then I suggest you stay here. Staying here in the pack house will be much safer than roaming around. He is an Alpha. By chance, if he gets even a whiff of her, will you be able to hold him back alone? He will kill you and then take her. But here, we have a cadre of specially trained warriors,  a large pack, allies and more force. She'll be much safer here", I reasoned.

I saw him looking at his sister hesitantly.

"Yes, please stay. Cassie waited for you all these years. Stay for her", I turned around to see it was Lilly who spoke this time.

Elyza placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded lightly with a smile on her face. She gestured her hand to tell him something .


She immediately placed her hand over his lips and gave her that look. The look that Cassie gives me when she wants me to allow her to go for a late night party or anything. That damn look. It always compels me to allow her.

He hesitated a bit but then opened his mouth,

"Okay, we will stay"

A/n -

Thank you so much guys for all the read and love that you are giving this book. I am so grateful. I read all your comments and you guys are awesome as hell. Some of you are really a sassy ass. *wink wink*

Also thegirlwithaheadband  is my instagram username . Some of you wanted to send the covers and posters you made for this book so you can DM me. Thank you again and keep showing love to my book.

I really hope that it reaches at least 1k reads. 😁😁

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