twenty one

101 8 6

It is night already. Today was a really exhausting day. When we all came back to the pack house, we found that Cassie is already here and since today's afternoon incident, she is locked up in her room and not responding to anyone.

We all tried but after a bit we all gave up and thought that it was the best to let her grieve. Caleb and Rey lost them both. Both men are furious and disappointed. All of us are upset seeing Cassie like this.

She is such a good soul and she doesn't deserve this agony.

Also, I  am so confused. Why was he acting as if he knows me? And why did he call me Elyza? Who is Elyza?

"Hey! Is something wrong?", Caleb asked as we sat on the bed.

"Actually yes. It's about Cassie's mate", I sighed.

"Yeah I know. She deserves so much better and the way her mate treated her today is not just. She is like my sister and seeing her hurt like this hurts me."

"It's not just that", I sighed. "He acted as if he knew me. He even called me 'Elyza'. He said, 'What happened to you? I can't sense your wolf. Don't you remember me? I am your b-' but before he could complete, you guys came and he ran away. And I am so confused."

"He is confusing you for someone else, I guess", Caleb said thoughtfully.

"And they were here for a motive. I don't know what but by the way he talked I knew they were not just roaming. He was even going to kidnap Cassie to use her as a bait tonget what he wants... That's what he said"

"What!???", Caleb growled loudly. "Hiw dare he touch my sister.  The moment I get him, I am going to tear his limbs and--

"Calm down Caleb", I said grabbing his hands hastily, " he is her mate.  And we don't know yet why he was here so we should not jump to conclusions"

Caleb let out a long shaky breath, "Did he hurt you or Cassie", he asked , his eyes pitch black.

"No. Before he could do anything you and Rey were there, now calm down"

"No matter what, I won't let any harm even touch you. I love you with all my heart and will always be here to protect you", he said gently.

"I love you too", I said looking deep into his golden eyes, " It's not me that I am worried about. It's you. I can't bear to lose you ", a tear ran down my eye involuntarily. Maybe it's because of the events in past, but I am very sensitive now when it comes to Caleb's health. I can't bare the thought of him getting injured.

"I am never leaving you, you stupid girl"  he said wiping away my tear and engulfing me in his arms.

He then placed a kiss on my forehead.

And then I leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were moving in sync with mine and with that little sweet kiss, we called it a night and drifted off.


Caleb's POV-

My conversation with Lilly from last night is playing in my mind again and again. Something's off. I have a gut feeling that there's more to what that rogue was saying.

"Is something wrong, Caleb ", I looked at Dom as he asked me this question.

"Yes, you seem a bit off", Rey followed after him.

I let out a deep sigh. I should just tell them.

"Last night, Lilly told me that the rogue called her Elyza and acted as if he knows her. And he-

Suddenly I noticed the change in Dom's expression. As soon as that name left my tongue, his posture became stiff and  he sat in a serious manner.

"Do you know something", I asked him immediately.

"There's something you need to see. At first, I thought it's just a coincidence but now I think it's more than that", he sighed and got up. We got up and followed him.

We went downstairs, in the basement, towards the pack prison. It was highly secured and there is a gaurd outside each cell.

"What do you know about this Elyza girl?", I asked again.

"This is Elyza", I followed Dominic's line of sight and what the fuck!

She looks just like her. I eyed her from head to toe and my jaw dropped to the floor. She is just like her twin. The only difference is that her eyes are blue in colour.

She looks like Lilly.

It took me a whole minute to digest that fact.

How is it even possible? She is a werewolf, I can sense her wolf. But Lilly is a human. There is no way that they are related.

"The moment I saw Lilly that day, I was astonished. I checked up every link that could somehow connect Lilly and Elyza but it seems like as if they both just happen to look alike. I mean doppelgangers do exist", Dominic said casually as if it is no big fucking deal, "but when Rey later told me that why exactly Alexander attacked you and his obsession with Lilly, I connected the dots"

She was just looking at us intently while still sitting on her seat. She did not speak a single word. To be honest, she looked scared and I felt bad for her. And the fact that she looks just like my mate did not help either. I would go feral if someone locks up my Lilly like this.

"The thing is she came here an year ago. She is a rogue and she injured one of my guards severely. She is a really strong rogue. It's been a year since she is here. And to be true, I feel like she was not in the right state of mind at that time that's why she did it but still I can't risk releasing her", Dominic sighed, there was a tinge of guilt in his stance, "but now that I think about it, I think that she is Alex's mate"

"What!??", Rey and I said simultaneously.

"Yeah. You see she has a little faint mark on her neck. Just like she pushed her mate away or ran off just before he could mark him. The mark is so faint that you can't tell if it is an Alpha's mark or not. But the fact that she came here an year ago, a month after Alex's twentieth birthday and Alex acting this way since then, all these things can't be just mere coincidence.  And his obsession with Lilly. I mean look at her, she looks just like her", he reasoned.

I nodded in slight agreement. Maybe he is right. But this whole "Elyza is Alexander's mate " thing is making me very uncomfortable.

"So I guess the rogues came looking up for her", I said as we started walking away.

"Yeah. That seems to be the case"

"Don't you think we should interrogate her? I mean if the rogues are connected to her, she can give us information about them. And has she confessed that she is that bastard's mate", I stated as a matter of fact.

"She is mute", he sighed, " and scared and vulnerable. When she came here first, she was feral. But after one day or two, I found her curled up in the corner of the cell and she was crying. And at that moment I realized how broken she is. She won't speak. And I couldn't bring myself to torture her to get the answers like we usually do with the rougues"

"Let me try", I said , determination evident in my tone.

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