twenty nine

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"Alexander is your mate? Alpha of RedMoon?", I asked again. I don't know why but I want to be 100% sure.

She nodded again. I hugged her again and turned around.

"I need to go and tell this to everyone. Thank you for the information. Tomorrow will be a new start for you, I promise", just as I was about to move, she held my hands .

She had a mixed expression of anger, hurt and worry all over her face. I looked at her expectantly.





"Gather everyone?", I interrupted and she nodded.

I walked out the cell and ran to find Caleb and Dom.

I went straight to Dom's office but no one was there. Then I ran to the infirmary and saw that Caleb was growling like crazy there.

"You two ... go to the east side of the forest an--

He stopped mid sentence when he noticed me and a wave of relief washed over his face.  But soon it was replaced by anger.

"Where the fuck were you? Why are you so irrespon-

"ELYZA IS ALEXANDER'S MATE", I shouted before he could scold me further and suddenly everyone's eyes were on me. Everyone's eyes went wide when they heard what I said.

"What!?? You went to the cell... alone? And she told this to you?"

"I fucking knew it", Dom hissed under his breath.

I love Caleb with all my heart but right now, his overprotectiveness is getting on my nerves.

"Yes Caleb, I went alone. Now is seriously not the time. Elyza wants to tell us some secret and she wants us to gather right now. So I suggest that we go and listen what she has to say. Also it would be so much better if we take someone who knows sign language ", I said hastily without giving Caleb a chance to interrupt.

"I can help", said Jasmine's weak voice. "I know sign language."

"Are you sure?", I asked her. I am seriously concerned about her. She is in so much pain.

"Yeah", she turned to glance at Rey once and then started walking along with Caleb , Dom and I.

We walked down towards the prison and Caleb intertwined his fingers with mine, squeezing my hand reassuringly. I turned towards him and gave him a weak smile.

We reached the prison and Elyza got up from the bench as soon as she saw us.

She bowed her head showing respect to Dom.

"Elyza tell us the secret. Jasmine here know sign language so you can use it"

She nodded and started gesturing her hands in the sign language. We all looked intently at her and then at Jasmine.

Elyza looked a bit terrified while Jasmine's eyes widened with each passing second.

"She is saying that this is not how Alexander is like... None of it is Alexander's fault, he is under the influence of a curse. A witch cursed him about an year ago"

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