Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

---With Wendy, Issei and Asia---

The group had vanished up with their shopping for the coming party. Wendy had a concerned look on her face at not seeing her white-haired friend around.

"Everything okay Wendy?" Asia asked as she spotted the concerned expression.

"It's just that Koneko usually only disappears for a short while," Wendy said as he scanned the surrounding area.

"We can take these things back if you want to go look for her," Issei offered, knowing that Natsu would somehow protect Wendy if something happened to her while Asia would need a strong man near her. A slight grin formed on his face as he imagined a heroic scene where he saves Asia and she declared her undying love to him.

"If you're sure it's okay," Wendy said hesitantly.

'Yes, go look for her," Asia said with a kind smile as she took the bags Wendy was holding out of her hands.

"Thank you," Wendy said as she turned around and headed off in the direction of the nearest sweets store. 'Please be okay,' Wendy thought as her eyes darted from side to side.

After ten minutes of unsuccessful searching, Wendy started to panic. The only thing she could think of was to retrace their steps and look around the area they last saw Koneko. Quickly running back to the exit of the last store the four were in together, Wendy began to retrace their steps to where Koneko left.

This proved to be the right choice when Wendy quickly spotted Koneko not far from where she left them, staring into an alley. Wendy let out a relieved sigh when she saw that she wasn't hurt.

"Hey Koneko, you ready to go home?" Wendy asked as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Koneko flinched at the sudden contact and spun around with a broken look in her eyes, causing Wendy to regain her concern.

"Koneko what's wrong?" Wendy asked with a concerned frown. The dried tear marks on Koneko's face was quickly covered with fresh tears as Koneko broke down in front of Wendy.

Wendy quickly embraced Koneko in a comforting hug, not sure as to what she should do but knowing that Koneko needed support.

"Hey, why don't we go home and you tell me what's bothering you?" Wendy suggested in a silent tone.

Koneko merely nodded her throat too tight to form a verbal response. 'Am I not good enough? Is it because I'm too weak to use my power?' Koneko's thoughts were running wild, trying to find an explanation for the situation.

As soon as they made it to the home Wendy led Koneko to her room, where the Nekoshou quickly went in and closed the door behind her, preventing Wendy from entering.

'She must be hurting, she usually only does this when something big is on her mind,' Wendy concluded. Having been friends for so long Wendy knew most of Koneko's behaviour patterns.

Not sure how to help Wendy decided to go to the two people she looked up to the most, Grayfia and Natsu, for advice. 'Maybe they know what's going on,' Wendy thought.

---With Issei and Asia---

The two watched Wendy disappear before turning to head home.

"I hope Koneko is all right," Asia said.

"I'm sure she's fine, that girl is one tough cat," Issei reassured the blond. Asia smiled, thankful for Issei being there to keep her mind occupied

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