Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

The ORC group returned to the club building after they were done by the pool. They had a fun time and everyone was happy. When they entered the room Sirzechs was sitting on one of the couches.

"Rias hello there" Sirzechs greeted his sister who was the first to enter the building. The rest of the members followed her in except for Natsu and Akeno who was lagging behind since Akeno demanded Natsu to carry her back at a much slower pace since she wanted to ask him something.

"What are you doing here Sirzechs?" Rias asked.

"The first thing my little sister asked her brother she hasn't seen for such a long time is 'What are you doing here'" Sirzechs said in mock hurt.

"Fine then. Hello Sirzechs I hope your trip here went smoothly, how are you doing?" Rias said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh my trip was absolutely wonderful my dear sister" Sirzechs responded with a grin knowing he is annoying his little sister.

"Hello Sirzechs" Wendy decided to stop the teasing before Rias exploded.

"Wendy it's good to see you again" Sirzechs stopped teasing Rias and turned to Wendy.

"So to what do we owe the pleasure of the visit?" Wendy asked.

"Well I am here for Rias' class observation and I brought Grayfia to attend yours" Sirzechs explained.

This earned a groan from Rias.

"Where is Grayfia now?" Wendy asked.

"She is in the kitchen making tea" Sirzechs responded.

Just then Natsu entered the building with Akeno in his arms. Natsu sat her down and without acknowledging the visitor walked to the kitchen. Just as he was about to walk through the door it opened and out came Grayfia carrying a tray with a teapot and teacups. The two collided and Grayfia nearly fell down only to be caught by Natsu's left arm as it wrapped around her waist while his other hand managed to grab the teapot without spilling its contents.

The teacups shattered on the ground gaining everyone's attention. The devils who knew Grayfia waited for her to explode and attack Natsu so they held their breaths in suspense.

"Are you all right?" Natsu asked with concern in his eyes as he pulled Grayfia up so that she can stand on her own feet.

"Will you watch..." Grayfia began to say in an angry tone only to let her voice trail away as she made eye contact with Natsu.

There was a few second of silence where Natsu and Grayfia just stared into one another's eyes while their audience waited with baited breaths.

"Aer you all right?" Natsu broke the silence once again asking with concern in his eyes.

"Y-Yes thank you" Grayfia stuttered with a light blush on her cheeks unable to tear her eyes away from the onyx orbs of the man who still had his arm around her waist.

Sirzechs could hardly believe what he was seeing. Grayfia Lucifuge the Strongest Queen who is a very strict and had a very serious personality was blushing ad stuttering. Not once in all the time he had known her had he ever seen her blush or heard her stutter.

After a minute of staring into each other's eyes did Natsu let go of her. He then picked up the tray Grayfia had and handed it back to her with the teapot on it.

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