Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

After Kiba started walking away for the second time that night Issei gave up on getting any more answers from him and decided to go to Rias and ask about Kiba's past. Issei returned to the ORC building and luckily found Rias still there.

"Hey Rias would you mind telling me about Kiba's past?" Issei asked.

"What made you ask me about his past?" Rias asked wondering what Kiba said to Issei.

"Kiba just said that something from his past came up and something about revenge on Holy swords" Issei replied.

"I guess I can tell you since he already mentioned it to you" Rias said with a sigh and sat down on the couch.

Flashback start

A young and orphaned Kiba was taken in by the Church. Later he was chosen to be part of a project called "The Holy Sword Project" under the supervision of a man named Valper Galilei. This project performed human experiments on the children that was taken in by the Church and selected to participate in the project.

The goal of the project was to find people who were able to use the seven pieces of Excalibur, the children who were not compatible were disposed of. Valper was excommunicated from the church and the project was shut down after failing to show merit.

Valper decided to eliminate the failures and was directly responsible for the deaths of Kiba's friends and all the other participants. Valper wanted to kill everyone who was associated with the project but Kiba was able to escape with the help of his friends of which he was the sole survivor, before finally succumbing to the poison he inhaled.

It was then that Rias found him and resurrected him as a devil. Kiba took some time to trust people and the person who finally got through to him was his swords master Souji Okita who saved him with a hard battle against a stray devil.

Flashback end

After telling Issei the story Rias went home. Issei thought about what Kiba went through while he walked home and came to the conclusion he will help his friend out.

After Kiba told Natsu his tale Kiba started walking away once again. Natsu reached out and put his hand on Kiba's shoulder. Kiba turned around and looked at the sad expression on Natsu's face.

"We share a similar past in the sense that someone did experiments and that we were part of some great plan. The difference is that in your story all your friends died but you survived and the person responsible only had his own ambitions on his mind. In my story I died and a lot of people got hurt due to the person responsible for bringing me back to life even though he didn't want anyone to be hurt. The person in my story did it out of love for his brother and his only selfish act was his final wish" Natsu said with a sad smile.

"You died?" Kiba asked in shock.

"Yes I was a human but at an early age I died with my parents. My brother dedicated his life to resurrecting me and for meddling with life and death he was cursed with the curse of contradiction, a cure that kills the more you care for life. I am a demon and he used my body to bring me back. We spent a lot of time together and I wasn't affected by the curse because he altered me to be immune" Natsu said remembering his past.

"But couldn't you just be revived with the Evil Piece System? And if your brother was cursed wouldn't every high-class devil be cursed by the same curse?" Kiba asked remembering how he was revived.

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