Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

Everyone took the opportunity to sleep in for once during their break except for Akeno. She was up early wondering if Natsu has returned during the night. As she was wandering around the castle she soon found herself at the entrance just as the doors opened up. The now open doors revealed a tired Natsu.

"Hey were you out the entire night?" Akeno asked her boyfriend worried.

"Yeah sorry if I worried you I just had a lot to deal with" Natsu replied while he embraced her in a warm hug her.

"It's all right Eossinth told us about your history with Ophis I hope that was ok" Akeno said.

"It was never a secret so you don't have to worry" Natsu replied with a smile as he let go of her.

The two walked to the dining area wanting something to eat. When they arrived they saw that the food wasn't prepared yet so Natsu offered to make Akeno some breakfast.

"It should be me offering to make you something since you were out all night" Akeno said making her way to the kitchen solidifying the fact that she will make Natsu something to eat.

A few minutes later Akeno returned with some eggs, toast and bacon. The two ate while chatting enjoying the alone time they had. After their breakfast they went on a stroll around the lake just talking about random subjects.

They returned a few minutes before everyone else woke up. Seeing as it was already ten o'clock the group had a brunch. They were all prepared for a relaxing day before school starts again. After brunch they remembered what they wanted to ask Natsu the previous day.

"Natsu would you mind telling us what's inside the box we found after solving that riddle?" Wendy asked.

"Oh yeah that I would have opened it and gave you guys what was inside if the events of last night hadn't happened" Natsu said apologetically.

Rias retrieved the box from where she placed it and handed it to Natsu. Just before Natsu opened the box he had an idea.

"I have one final test for you guys before I open the box and give you what is inside" Natsu said with a smirk. The ORC group felt a cold sweat forming on the back of their necks when they saw the smirk.

"What do you have planned? Please no more torture" Issei exclaimed with a worried expression.

"Don't worry I'm just going to evaluate exactly how far the training had brought you" Natsu said with the same smirk.

"You're starting to scare me" Wendy said embracing Asia in fear.

"I promise this won't hurt." Natsu said, "too much" he added in a very soft voice.

"Hey what was that last part?" Issei almost cried out in fear.

"You will all team up and try to land a hit on me" Natsu said with the biggest grin they have ever seen on his face.

Fear? Dread? Terror? Despair? Take your pick. That was what the ORC members felt. How will they ever be able to fight Natsu of all people? He who could fight a Satan on his own without really trying? Uhm yea h no...

"Are you insane how are we supposed to fight you? You will destroy us before we could do anything" Issei was crying anime tears.

"This doesn't seem like something that we can do" Rias said in calmer tone than what Issei had but fear was still evident.

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