Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

---At the Young Devil Gathering Party Venue---

"Sirzechs, Natsu said that he had something that required his attention and not to wait up for him," Rias said as she approached her brother.

"It has something to do with Koneko," Rias whispered once she stood next to him. Sirzechs gave her a small nod before turning to the other leaders that had gathered.

"Devils Gods and Fallen Angels have seen the lessons of the past and together we chose to start a new chapter for the world at large. The peace we agreed upon is being threatened by the Khaos Brigade. Lord Odin, if there are no objections I ask you to please sign the pact that would join our forces together to protect the peace against this threat," Sirzechs said as he looked out over the young devils before turning to Odin for the request.

"Of course," Odin replied and moved to where he would sign the pact. Just as he was about to complete the signing a voice called out.

"Objection," the voice called out as a deep blue magic circle formed near the ceiling of the venue.

"He took longer than I expected," Odin mused as he, along with all the others gathered turned to the magic circle.

A man with eyes that belonged on a delinquent, light blue hair that floats behind him with two small bangs and a blue jewel on his forehead along with yellow earrings stepped out of the circle. He wore a long white robe.

"I am the Norse god Loki, greetings," Loki introduced himself.

"Even though you are the Norse god of mischief, you have no right to cause any problems here," Sirzechs said as Loki looked down on them with a smug grin.

"But how can I stand aside when our All-Father mingles with lesser mythologies causes me to suffer more than I can possibly describe," Loki replied with a holier than thou attitude.

"Loki as the All-Father I will forgive you for this interruption if you return to Valhalla immediately," Odin said as devil guards began to surround the mischievous god.

"You can shove your forgiveness. An alliance with the other mythologies it will make thing incredibly difficult for me to set Ragnarok in motion," Loki dismissed Odin's words.

"Listen here kid, you are nothing more than a puppet who follows the Khaos Brigades orders," Azazel said as he heard many iterations about doing things for some great goal, but the truth to all those talks were just to serve the Khaos Brigade.

"Oh heavens no, I will not call myself a puppet of the Khaos Brigade, rather a colleague. This entire plan is my very own brainchild. But enough of that my son would love to play with you," Loki said as he created a new portal on the ground at the guards' feet.

A giant wolf with ash grey fur appeared from within the portal with two large horns protruding from its shoulders. As the wolf appeared the guards were knocked back. The wolf let out a menacing growl and bared its razor-sharp teeth. With a snap of Loki's fingers, the wolf sprang into action.

"Be careful of that wolf, it is Fenrir, the God Devouring Wolf," Odin warned all those who were close enough to hear.

Fenrir sprang into action. He jumped onto one of the pillars that supported the roof to get a better vantage point to launch its first strike. It pushed off of the pillar and launched itself at the devil guards who first stood against his father.

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