Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

Rias prepared a cottage in an uninhabited mountain for the ORC to train. The members who needed the most attention were Issei and Asia as they were the newest members and had the least amount of combat experience.

With Asia being a more supportive magic user she was not subject to the sword fighting training from Kiba or the close quarters combat training from Koneko. Most of her time was spent with either Akeno for training to use basic magic or with Wendy for training with supportive magic.

Issei however was drilled by Kiba on sword fighting, Akeno on magic and later on Koneko on close quarter combat. Even though with all his training Issei was never able to make much progress, while Asia's talent in magic only grew.

While helping Akeno with cooking Issei was able to harness his power to peel the potato after imagining Akeno without clothes. This gave him confidence to train even harder and try to incorporate his perverted nature with his powers. Remembering how it felt when he activated his sacred gear he started developing a new move.

Issei would sneak out during the night during the night to train alone, or so he thought. Wendy, who wanted to be able to help her friends in more ways than just healing, thought she might be able to learn some offensive magic seeing how Asia learnt some attack spells.

One night when Issei sneaked out to train he heard a frustrated yell. Looking to see who it was he saw Wendy trying to do some of the basic techniques that Akeno was showing him and Asia but to no success.

"Hey Wendy what are you doing out this late?" Issei asked her.

His sudden appearance gave her a fright and as she spun around with a yelp a gush of wind sent Issei flying. Realising it was only Issei, Wendy rushed to him to ensure he was not hurt and heal him if it was required.

"Sorry about that you surprised me" Wendy apologised.

"What was that, did you use some wind magic?" Issei asked her as he got up.

"I doubt it I can't use any attack spells" Wendy said with a crestfallen expression.

"I'm sure you will be able to learn attack spells" Issei tried to comfort the girl but failed.

"I don't think so. I tried for years to learn from Rias, Akeno and even Grayfia but nothing" Wendy said in a defeated tone.

"What are you doing out here?" Wendy asked Issei changing the subject.

"I was going to train a bit on my own" Issei said.

"Want me to help you out?" Wendy asked politely.

Issei thought for a bit before thinking of what the technique he is working on does and then remembering what happened the first day he met Wendy. This made him decline her offer in fear of what might happen if he was to attack her when he felt like he was being burned alive from just making her uncomfortable.

"No thank you I'll be fine on my own, besides I would not want to end up like Raynare when she attacked you" Issei told Wendy.

"That might be a wise decision seeing as I still don't really know exactly what happened there" Wendy agreed remembering the last person who threw an attack at her.

"Good luck with your training Issei I think I am going to turn in for the night" Wendy said as she returned to the cottage. And with that Issei continued to the spot he used for training.

That night Wendy's dreams were plagued with visions of hurricanes and tornadoes. But each time she would get afraid a calming voice soothed her worries telling her that she does not have to fear the wind but embrace it.

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