Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

---ORC Building---

Even though club activities at the school had taken a backseat for the up and coming sports festival the ORC usually saw its members meeting after the daily training sessions. While Rias and Akeno helped Sona and the Student Council in preparing for the festival other members like Issei, Asia, Wendy, Xenovia, Irina and Kiba were hard at work training for their classes.

Koneko had become more attached to Natsu in this past week and was rarely seen away from his side during the time he was present, otherwise, you can find her in the kitchen. Being beside Natsu for extended periods of time leads the young Nekoshou to gain an interest in baking, something she wanted to bond over with the pink-haired Dragon.

The ORC members were currently sitting in the main room waiting for Natsu and Koneko to come out of the kitchen. This would be the first time Koneko presented her baking skills to the group and they all agreed that sampling the treats would be a good way to spend their break before they had to return to training for the events.

They didn't have to wait for too long before they saw Natsu and Koneko walking through the door with two plates filled with cookies.

"Those smell delicious," Wendy said as the aroma of the freshly baked cookies seeped through the room. She had waited in anticipation to try out her friend's cookies for the past hour, ever since the white-haired girl brought the idea up with her fellow pink-haired baker.

"Seems like the time you spent with Natsu is paying off," Rias said with a happy smile. She was relieved when Koneko came out of her room with a small smile the day after Irina's welcome party and she knew that whatever bothered her, Natsu had sorted it out.

"It's nowhere near Natsu's level, they are just some basic ginger cookies," Koneko softly said.

"We all start at the basics, and you have shown great progress. For me, it took about a month before I managed to make something that wasn't burnt to a crisp," Natsu said before kneeling down and whispering the last part to Koneko with a hand petting her head.

The ORC group had smiles on their faces at Natsu's encouraging words before confused looks took over their faces when Koneko let out a giggle since they weren't able to hear Natsu's whisper.

The two bakers presented the group with the fruits of their labour and were quickly greeted with praise. While the group was enjoying the treat Rias took the chance to address Asia.

"Asia, I have another stack of love letters for you from Diodora, along with a few other gifts," Rias said. Hearing this Asia could only let out a sigh as her mood seemed to drop a bit.

"What's this about him sending you letters, I thought he understood you weren't going to marry him?" Issei said with a frown.

'Ever since we bumped into him, he has been sending me things every single day," Asia explained.

"Movie tickets, dinner invites, stuffed animals, chocolates, flowers, the works," Rias listed the things she had to receive in Asia's stead while she was training for the sports festival with Issei in an amused tone.

"I'm sorry," Asia said in a saddened tone.

"There is no need to apologise for a little crush. The poor thing just doesn't know the way to a woman's heart," Rias dismissed Asia's apology.

"That guy has a serious problem, he's a legit stalker. It was bad enough that he proposed now this," Issei said with anger brimming in his eyes.

"I hope he doesn't continue this for too or else the mail service will run into a lot of problems," Akeno commented in an attempt to lighten the mood.

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