Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

Wendy, Koneko and Saji caught up with Issei before he got too far. When they called out to him he waited for them to catch up to him.

"If you are here to stop me don't. I will help Kiba with this problem" Issei declared.

"We aren't going to stop you Issei, Rias asked us to go with you to ensure you don't do anything reckless without thinking it through" Wendy said.

Hearing that he had Rias' blessings to help Kiba Issei was very happy. He saw Saji standing behind the girls.

"Are you here to help as well?" Issei asked the boy.

"I don't even know what is going on I'm only here because Sona asked me to come here" Saji replied.

Issei gave him a quick rundown of Kiba's past hoping he would be willing to help. Saji was a bit adamant at first but after some persuading from Koneko and Issei he was roped into their plan.

As the group walked around to try and find Kiba or Xenovia and Irina. They reasoned that if they got the two girls help they would have an easier time tracking down Kiba. They soon found Xenovia and Irina standing in front of a diner.

"How could you have forgotten our money?" Xenovia asked in a sad tone.

"I already said I thought you had it" Irina replied.

"Well there goes our lunch" Xenovia sighed.

"How about we treat you to lunch and you listen to what we have to say?" Wendy proposed startling them with her sudden appearance.

"What are you doing here?" Irina asked.

"Better question is that monster around" Xenovia said with fear in her voice while frantically looking around.

"We are here to ask you guys something" Wendy replied to Irina's question.

"If you buy us food I guess we can hear you out" Irina said when she heard her stomach growl.

"I'm not going anywhere near that monster quick Irina let's get out of here" Xenovia said to her friend and started dragging her away.

"Hey they were going to give us food" Irina whined.

"Don't worry Xenovia Natsu isn't here and as long as you don't cause trouble he is a pretty nice guy" Koneko said not wanting them to leave as she also wants to help Kiba.

"If you're lying to me I will... I will... you know what let's just go inside" Xenovia tried to threaten Koneko but the memory of Natsu's malice filled draconic eyes was burned into her mind and she admitted defeat and accepted their proposal.

They ordered food and everyone waited patiently until they finished their meal.

"Thanks for the food" Irina happily thanked them.

"Now we will keep our part of the bargain" Xenovia said not wanting to break their agreement fearing the consequences.

"We want to join forces with you against the Holy Swords" Wendy said.

"And why would you want to do that?" Xenovia asked only curious with no ill intent towards the devils.

"Our friend Kiba has a past with the swords. We will help you retrieve them if you allow him to destroy them" Issei said.

"Well we were going to destroy them anyway so I don't see a problem with it. How about you Xenovia?" Irina said turning to Xenovia.

"Kiba was the one I faced in our battle right?" Xenovia asked.

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