Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or Fairy Tail they are property of Ichiei Ishibumi and Hiro Masima respectively.

Kiba rushed Oedipus with a sword drawn while Koneko flanked him fists at the ready. Rias and Akeno moved to a vantage point where they would be able to use long range attacks with Issei boosting them. Wendy and Asia positioned in between the two groups for medium range attacks and if someone needs healing they are close by.

Oedipus easily deflected Kiba's sword with his spear and blocked Koneko's punch with his shield. He continued blocking the close quarter attacks before looking up when he heard Rias tell Kiba and Koneko to fall back. From their vantage point Rias and Akeno powered up a combination attack of lightning and destruction which was increased in power by Issei's boost. The attack hit its target dead on causing a dust cloud to rise.

"Stay on guard I don't think that attack brought him down" Akeno said retaining her battle stance.

Sure enough Oedipus was not defeated by that attack. The discouraging part though was that he didn't have a scratch on him. Instead the area surrounding him was now a barren and charred crated but everything behind him in a v was completely untouched. Oedipus lowered his shield with a smile.

"Seems like you have a strategy with attacks that take some time to charge up" Oedipus observed.

He then disappeared in a blur of speed appearing next to Kiba. He sent Kiba flying with a shield to his abdomen and swept his spear in Koneko's direction which caught her in the gut making her fly into a tree. Oedipus then disappeared once again appearing near the vantage point Rias, Akeno and Issei occupied.

Issei managed to catch Oedipus' spear that came sweeping towards him. This gave Wendy enough time to launch a Dragon Roar that was a miniature tornado originating from her mouth. The roar hit Oedipus hard in his chest sending him flying into a tree.

"Who would have thought the little girl was the true hard hitter of the group, I'm impressed with the power you showed" Oedipus said before dashing towards Wendy intending to land a blow on her to take out their main damage dealer.

Asia however anticipated something like this and cast a barrier around Wendy. The barrier slowed Oedipus' attack down enough for a recovered Kiba to arrive and deflect it while Koneko who also recovered from her earlier blow managed to plant her fist into his cheek making him stumble back.

Rias, Akeno and Issei were now behind Oedipus and Kiba, Koneko, Wendy and Asia was in front of him.

"Using your numbers to your advantage in a pincer manoeuvre, good thinking" Oedipus praised them before once again charging to the larger group. A combined lightning attack on both fronts from Asia and Akeno slowed Oedipus down enough for Wendy to use some of the magic she learned from Eossinth the Dragon of the Sky.

Wendy enchanted Kiba with a spell that increases his speed and Koneko with a spell that increased her strength. Even though Wendy still had some way to go before she was able to cast more than one enchantment on a person she was still able to bring out about half of the enchantments power.

Kiba who now was followed by a stream of air that made him feel light as a feather went to slash at Oedipus. The increased speed caught Oedipus off guard but luckily for him the only damage the sword had done was a dent in his armour. Koneko used this chance to use her increased strength to his Oedipus hard in the abdomen sending him hurtling towards a boulder.

Rias blasted him with her power of destruction while Issei sent a Dragonshot his way. This combination of attacks seemed to do damage. As the dust cleared the group could see the effect their attacks had on Oedipus. He had several bruises and his armour was dented and even destroyed in certain places.

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