~Can We Kiss Forever~

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Summary - Life as an idol finally starts to get to Hueningkai after 2 years.  Suppressing his growing feelings for his hyung before finally breaking down during a vlive by himself. Does his mistake leave him in more agony, or will they fight for their own personal right for love?

Warning!! This is purely fiction! This depicts no actions of the real people!! The txt staff are really nice, so please don't think less of them cause of thiss!! Warning

Word count: 11,000+


Idol life always seemed like it would be gliz and glam. Yes it was hard work but in the end that work paid off when they could see the happy faces of their fans, moas. While it paid off to see their fans happy, somethings that they did to make fans happy made Kai suppress his own inner emotions as to not disappoint them.

He doesn't have a problem with skinship, he actually thinks it's quite cute and fluffy. However as he stood in their fanmeet and watched his two eldest hyungs being all cutely touchy to one another for the fans he had to hold back a scream. No, not because they looked cute together. This was a scream of pure agony ;his own heart being set on fire as yeonjun cuddly hugged soobin from behind for the fans to take photos of. 

All kai could do was watch as fans screamed over the two. Turning away to mess with his mic trying to distract himself. Smiling at some fans that called his name, waving at them with a sweet smile. Hiding the stinging pain in his heart. If only they knew how much he loved soobin, Maybe then they wouldn't cooe over the eldest two together asmuch.


This pain was obviously nothing new to hueningkai. He's been dealing with this same pain for over 2 years, but it gets harder to deal with it day by day as his hyungs seem to be getting closer.

Carefully he breathes through his thoughts and emotions, pushing them down deep. Slowly he turned back to the other four, listening to how the fans cooed and shouted loudly. 'Taehyunnie!! Pose with beomgyu-ah!'
'Soobin oppa, yeonjunnie oppa, heart please!'

The fans request kept flooding in, watching as his members smiled and proceeded to do as asked. Kai swallowed back his jealousy as yeonjun held Soobins waist carefully. Hearing his name being called as he turned back to the fans with a hum. Posing cutely for them as asked, putting on the sweetest smile he could utter. 

This process continued for a bit longer before they played a game of answering questions. Pulling paper from a box and answering the questions on them as they laughed and joked around.

During this time Hueningkai was the happiest. Why you may ask? Cause he gets to stand by Soobin and laugh along with him. Letting himself bask in these moments, knowing somewhere in his heart they are only ment for the fans;  but he liked to imagine that Soobin did it for him.

The gentle touches to his back and shoulders as the older laughs about a story ;or the way soobin defended himself against the members, holding kais arm like a lifeline. No matter the situation at hand, kai tried to take in the affection like he'd never get it again.  Cautiously rubbing Soobins tummy as The older argued his case of the matter of mint Chocolate chip ice cream.

Taking a deep breath hueningkai pulled away, tempted to just hug soobin and never let him go. However he knew he couldn't so he moved away, listening attentively to the two bicker back and forth about the ice cream flavor.

-|5:53pm| -

Lucky for them all the fanmeet had ended not much later then expected. Having already changed from their clothes into more casual ones, loading into the cars to head back to the dorms. 

SooKai OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ