~You're Somebody Else~

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Theme -Ghost! AU

Timeline - Modern Day


Soobins POV

Soft, such soft breaths that left the lips of the male beside me. My own lips cold to the touch as the gentle sway of the music dizzied us into each other's presence. The music low yet intoxicating to the ears of us two as it whispered into the air from the small speakers that were scattered around the cemetery. I've known him for years, but his eyes read different words then what I hear. He smiles but behind that smile is something.....Broken. The air felt thin, like a silk filling the space between us on this chilly night. Watching his eyes glaze over with tears, his lips forming a harsh line against his beautiful complexion. I try to run my hand over his cheek, having no physical ability to comfort him in such a complex time. Slumping depressingly as I gaze at each tear that rolled warm streaks down his face. Unable to take the sight I glance off at the blowing winds through the maple trees, timing each leaf as it fell, counting the seconds it took before it lay peacefully on the grassy floor.

Yet those whimpering cries still echoed a sad melody beside me, the same cries that filled the evening air mere hours ago as they lay my deceased body to rest within the earth's cold arms. No matter how much I try to talk to him, no matter the amount of words I say with such care and love, He hears known of it. He simply cries silently, closing his eyes tightly as he mumbles soft prayers and wishes to me. All I can do it observe his pain, seeing the shell of who I once loved. Watching his body go through these waves of emotions from something I couldn't have stopped. I didn't SEE the man with the knife, I didn't HEAR his shoes clicking on the ground as he approached, I couldn't have STOPPED this from happening even if I tried. I was weak, and now Kai has to suffer for my own weakness.

These thoughts break me down, even now, even after death has come and taken me from the world that surrounds my very spirit. 'Is this hell? Why do I have to watch him be in pain!' I shouted into the sky, looking at the stars that we once gazed at. I fell onto my knees, crying without any tears as I tried so desperately to wipe the real tears from the youngers cheeks. 'Shh, its okay Hueningning, Hyungs here' My voice sounding even foreign to myself, it wasn't normal, it was breathy and quiet almost like I was speaking through a wall. Yet soon Kai gathered his emotions, eyes peering open as if he could see me. This gave me hope as I stroked his cheeks slowly, silently mumbling to myself that 'it'll be okay, we'll get through this'.


Kai was slowly getting better, spending his days drawing Soobin so he never forgot his face, pouring every emotion into the art. Letting the papers pile up along with letters to his former lover, hoping that he somehow could read them. However he was starting to worry, what if Soobin couldn't read them? This thought scared me, knowing that Soobin could be watching and simple was being tortured by not knowing the words of his lover that he wrote so delicately onto the papers. So every evening at sunset he went to the cemetery, sitting by Soobins grave and slowly reading out the letters. It was like a form of therapy for Kai, being able to say these words to Soobin even if not face to face. Letting every letter speak a new love and care for the older into the thin quiet air, and Soobin listened. Taking in every word like he would never hear them again, letting Kai know he was there by the same brush of his hand on his left arm. He would sit beside Kai, rubbing his arm as he listened intently. Almost like a silent agreement, Soobin got to hear and see Kai, while Kai got the signs that he was being listened and cared for even with Soobin being gone.

Kai didn't get over Soobins death, he just simply found a way to cope with the physical incapability to touch and see him. Easing his mind with the simple thought that Soobin WAS there with him. Sometimes if he closed his eyes and cleared his mind, he could FEEL Soobins arms around him, hearing the soft words of him repeating, 'I'm here NingNing. You're safe, I haven't given up on you. I'll forever love you~'. 


Hi its like 3:20 am and I was JUST about to fall asleep when this short story idea popped into my head and I needed to write it before I forgot it. I almost cried during this so please telling in the comments if you almost cried to. Also HAPPY THANKSGIVING to those who celebrate it. Its a few hours late but what ever. OOF. IMMA SLEEP BYE THANK YOU FOR READING! <3

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