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Theme - Royal love

(Please note there will be hinting of smut)

Timeline -Medieval

Huening Kai was a prince, young and naive. He was to be the next heir to the throne under the Huening family name. Then again that's a lot of responsibility for a 17 year old boy, so even though he tried to act calm and collected a lot of the time, he still had this want to act childish. Now at his age acting childish was almost forbidden around his parents, a simple laugh at the wrong time could get him in major trouble. So during the day time he was quiet, hiding his every want to go play with the other teenagers outside the walls of the castle. However there was one thing that Kai hated about being the next heir to the throne. He had to marry, more importantly he has to marry a woman so that he could continue his family's name, but Kai didn't like women. He had no interest in women, so the thought of marrying one made him dred becoming king.

"HueningKai, come forth and make yourself presentable. King Choi is bringing his son to our castle so you two can take note on what you'll both have to do as future kings." Kai's father motioned the boy to his side, speaking in a strong voice. Kai brushed off his attire and waited patiently at his father's side. "Remember your manners, don't be rude and stand straight." His father reminded him, fixing his sons posture as the gates opened and in walked King Choi and his son beside him

. "Its good to see you again old man." Kai's father laughed softly as he walked towards the other with Kai trailing beside him. The two higher powers bowed to one another in a formal greeting. "This is my son, Prince Huening Kai." Kai bowed gently and gave a soft hello. His eyes trailed to the other that stood across from him. His mind and eyes getting caught on the Kings son. He was tall, handsome, very handsome actually. His eyes were a deep brown while his hair was a deep blackish brown. He was intoxicating to look at in Kais eyes, feeling his mouth had gone a slack. Quickly fixing his posture and rude staring.

"This is my son, Prince Choi Soobin. He's almost of age to become the next heir" King Choi laughed heavily with King Huening. Soobin bowed and said a soft hello as well. You see Choi Soobin had a similar situation as Kai. He was to marry a woman once he was king. Yet he did not favor women in such a way, he had hidden several small relationships from his Parents. He has tested out his liking for men quite extensively over the last 2 years. So seeing this shy prince in front of him sent chills down his spine. His almost milky brown hair shimmered in the sunlight, the color bringing out his lovely skin that looked like he hasn't aged a day since 1. Soobin watched how the boy seemed to have melted in thought, gently smirking at him before turning to his father. "Father, may Kai and I conversate elsewhere?" Soobins voice was soft, not a harsh tone within his words. Soobins father gave a gentle nod, looking at King Huening. "Why of course, go get to know each other. Kai can even show you around the castle." King Huening agreed to the young mans proposal. Soobin bowed a quick thank you as Kai did the same. The two walking off gently as they knew their fathers would be watching.

Once out of sight of the kings Soobin relaxed a bit, "No need to be so proper, it is just us." He hummed toward the younger, the two still peacefully walking. Kai glanced at Soobin and took the elders word, relaxing his shoulders a bit and letting his breathing calm. "How old are you? You look very young to be a prince." Soobins eyes never left Kais face as he spoke to him, his voice almost like a liquor, it burned a little and numbed your throat, but it was oh so sweet. "Seventeen. You?" Kai questioned and glanced up at him, seeing his lips pull into a tight smirk. "Nineteen." the sweet voiced man rang over Kais ear.

"You are different from other prince's I've met before." Soobin almost questioned, stopping in a small hall as he glanced around. Slowly he leaned into Kais ear and whispered these soft words, "You are hiding something, aren't you?". The words made Kai visibly shake, rendering him speechless. Soobin moved closer and gentle wrapped his arm around Kai's waist, "What's the matter my prince? Cat got your tongue?" His smooth voice whispered into the youngers ear, letting those intoxicating lips barely graze over the shell of his ear. Kai found himself shuddering as he didn't push him away, this was odd but he liked it. "W-We shouldn't be talking about this, people could overhear." Kai quickly excused himself as he stepped away from Soobin to recompose himself.

"Well, if that seems to be the problem then take us somewhere private." Soobin clicked his tongue, standing beside him with a glaring gaze on the semi-blushing boy. "That's an order from your elder." He reminded the boy who had seemed hesitant. Yet even with hesitation he gently walked Soobin to his own room, the only place he knew that was private enough where no one else would be. Kai closed the draped cloth over his so called windows, leaving it just opened enough to let light seep into the room.

"Have they mentioned you getting married yet?" Soobin questioned as he sat on a chair in the young boys room. "They have, the idea doesn't sit well with me" Kai answered with a soft hum, sitting on what was suspected to be the boys bed. "Is it the idea of marriage or is it the fact that it must be a woman?" Soobin quietly asked, looking at Kai who seemed to sigh at the question. "I'm not sure. I just don't like Women, not in that way." He tried to explain, yet it was hard to explain something that seemed so odd. "I feel the same way, I just don't find women attractive." Soobin clicked his tongue again, causing Kai to look at him. He got up from the chair and made a slow approach to the other. "Yet I find men very, enticing." Soobins eyes partly lidded as he looked down at him, his voice a mere hum.

Kai blushed and bit at his lip, "Enticing?" he questioned the man looming over him. Soobin chuckled and leaned in close to his face, "Enticing, meaning attractive or tempting. I find your lips very enticing." A low growling hum echoed from his words. Kai was screaming in his head, his heart beating quickly as he felt drunk off his mere words. "Has my prince experienced such a thing? A kiss of ones lips?" He hums and smiled softly as he rubbed Kais chin, Holding his face close. "N-No.." Kai whispered shakily, glancing around his beautiful face as his hands gripped at the cloth on his bed. Soobin cooed as he grins gently, letting his lips press firmly against the others, feeling him tense under the new feeling. Yet he gave Kai no time to learn as he pressed deeper into his lips, a hand going and resting on Kais lower back. Kai however did not struggle, yet he enjoyed the feeling and even melted farther into this forbidden kiss.

Soobin pulled away from the kiss with a soft pant, smiling at Kais blushing face. "My blushing prince, did that feel nice?" He cooed in awe as he left warm kisses on the others unmarked neck. The new feeling catching Kai off guard as he warmly laughed and gasped at the kisses. "Yes... I enjoyed that very much." Kai whispered and hummed as he fluttered his eyes closed, letting Soobin continue with the gentle kisses on small parts of exposed skin that lingered untouched. The two spent lots of time in Kai's room, Soobin showing him different and new things that he had never felt before. Soon finding himself under the older. Yet Kais eyes sparked with curiosity and wonder as he watched Soobins eyes that held untold answers. Letting soft gasp leave past the youngers lips as he fell under Soobins every command. Enjoying his praising as well, things such as 'Good Boy~' or 'That's my Prince'. To say the least, It was a blissful experience.

Yet sadly mere hours later they were stood out by their fathers again, saying their farewells for the time being. Kai gave a bow to Soobin as a farewell, hiding the blush that was creeping onto his cheeks. Soobin gave a gentle bow as well as he sent Kai a quick wink before he followed his father out of the castle. While this was a farewell it wasn't a good bye, they were gonna meet again, Kais never felt this way before and he wasn't about to lose it.


Okay so I love this one a lot because its just cute and like, our beautiful prince's. Anyways, there will be a part two to this one, don't know when I'll get it done so keep an eye out! THANK YOU FOR READING! 

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