~Outrunning Karma Pt2~

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Summary- Bad Boys Txt find themselves in another troublesome situation when they find a creepy abandoned apartment complex. Getting stuck inside the unstable building when an earth quake hits. Soon finding themselves in an alternate reality where they try to find a way back home

(Its more of like TaeJun then Sookai so I apologise, but its hard not to add in more about some ships then other especially when they are together in one story but like one takes up a good part of the PLOT)

Word count: 11,000+

Requested by- miysticwolf30456

|Friday. July 3rd, 2020|
|4:30 pm|

Soobins POV

Fridays aren't normally good, however today wasnt so bad. Getting out of school early all because my teacher was out sick. I truly didnt mind though, it gives me free time to spend by my lonesome before Gyu comes calling saying he found something 'fun' to do.

I sigh internally, laying comfortably in my own bed, my arms wrapped firmly around the cuddly object that pressed against my chest. Its just me, my bed, and a few hours of silence.
The weight in my arms shifted before an angelic voice ghosted past my ears. Reminding me that im not as alone as I first thought.

"Soobinnie hyung, I know you're comfy, but I cant feel my legs" Hyuka whined at me, feeling the squirm of his legs trying to wake up. This only caused me to hug him tighter with displeased hums.

I slowly blink my eyes open to look at my pouty pup. Gently humming as I exhaled heavily at his cuteness. "Cant we enjoy are few hours of bliss before our noisy friends come along to drag us somewhere?" I pouted back at him.

Seeing how Hyukas lips curled up into a happy smile as light giggles filtered past those perfect lips. Not to mention the little twinkle in his eyes that fluttered my heart.

"Taehyunnie isnt loud~" Hyuka cooed at the mention of his best friend, laughing at me and gently hitting my chest.

"Let me rephrase that. Cant we enjoy are time before Gyu comes along and drags us to some place he found?" I puffed out my cheeks at the statement. Unable to hold back my smile as Hyuka bursted into loud yet muffled laughter.

Slowly hugging him again, I chuckled and tried to relax back into my slumber. The feeling of having a quietly giggling Hyuka hiding in my chest and pulling at my shirt was part of the reason for the sudden struggle to get fully relaxed.
It wasnt long before we were back to a peaceful silence. I was for sure drifting off before I heard the buzzing of Hyukas phone on the side table. Waiting patiently, wanting to know who was going to ruin my relaxation time as he shifted once again in my arms to check the text.

A soft yawn was soon followed by Kais voice. "Speaking of gyu, he says they are on their way over~"

I was the one whining this time, refusing to let Kai go despite his sudden struggle to free himself. Once again, laughter left the young boys mouth and all I could do was smile at how sincere and loved it sounded. This only caused me to pulled him tighter to my chest before he soon gave up and let me hold him.

I had won, and rightfully so. "So for the rest of the time being we are gonna lay here and enjoy us. " I tiredly mumbled, yawning and burrying my head into his neck. Drifting off slowly before Kai could refuse or whine about needing to get things done.
- - -
3rd POV

"Why arent they answering" Guy quietly whined, squirming in the backseat of the car as he watched his phonescreen for any form of reply from the other two.

Taehyun sighed and glanced back at Beom from the passenger seat. "They are probably busy doing something Gyu, we did get the rest of our friday off" he reminded the bear boy. Only hearing a pout and whimper from the older boy in the back.

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