~Hearts Go Crazy~

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Theme-Very Fluffy

Timeline - Modern day

Soobin was a soft and shy 6 foot boy who walked around in a baby blue jumper and pristine white pants. He enjoyed reading at the local park in the late evenings when he had the chance. Sitting on the bench that sat adjacent to the duck pond that was always filled with life, Humming as he glanced over the book 'The False Prince', opening it and continuing where he left off. The evening air whistled by his ears like soft tweets from the birds that nested in the trees of the lovely park. The words softly illuminated by the dim light of the setting sun and park lights that were just barely starting to flicker on. Soobin took in a deep breath of the slightly chilled air, closing his eyes to enjoy the freeing feeling of the evening air.

"Looky looky who I found, as per usual~." A soft yet deep chuckle came from a familiar voice behind him, the smell of strawberry vape smoke filled Soobins lungs as his eyes flickered open. His gentle eyes followed his head as he laid it back to look up at the boy behind him. A soft smile perked at Soobins gentle lips, "Afternoon NingNing." He whispered softly up at the other who stared down at him as Kai took a long puff of his vape. Kai smirked as he blew the smoke at Soobin, watching how the older shook his head and soft tried to wave it away. "AH, no bad Kai!" Soobin laughed and sat back up straight, waving his hands around and laughing softly. Kai rolled his eyes and jumped the bench to sit next to Soobin, softly whispering in his ear, "How was work today?" his voice warm against the shell of Soobins ear, making him shutter at the feeling. "It was fine, just stacking books and putting labels on new orders, typical library stuff." Soobin hummed quietly, relaxing as he looked over at him. Their eyes meeting in this silent agreement, letting what was left of the afternoon glow cast soft shadows on their faces. "How was school..?" The words were spoken barely above a whisper, Soobin had seemed hesitant to ask as he fixed Kais jacket that looked a little scuffed up from what he assumed was a fight.

Indeed this seemed to be a risky question, Kai seemed nervous as he glanced away and took another slow puff of the sweet smelling vape juice. With a huff of smoke he looked back at Soobin, "Same as usual, Those damn bullies kept picking on Taehyun again, so I may have gotten in a fight." Kai shrugged at this news, once again glancing away to stare at the pond. Kai knew Soobin didn't like when he got in fights, but it was hard for him to hold his temper when his friend is being bullied. Expecting to hear a sigh, or a soft 'Next time be more wise' from the older, Only to feel a soft peck on his cheek. "Thank you for protecting Taehyun." The words sounded so shy and small coming from the older, causing Kai to gently look at him. Soobin smiled sweetly at him and moved closer, hugging his side gently. "It'll be okay Kai, A few more years and you'll be out." he whispered into the youngers neck before pecking the others lips. Tasting the sweet taste of strawberries that lingered in his breathe. The fond kiss was short but nice, reminding Kai of just how soft and shy Soobin was.

Kai was different from Soobin, He was raised well by his parents, but after the divorce it all went south for him. He was constantly jumping around schools and homes, losing friends and connections to people he loved. Not long after moving to his new house he met Soobin, deciding then that he couldn't move anymore, if he did, he risked losing what he had seen as his life line. Soobin was always there for Kai if he ever needed him, they always met at this park, especially after a long stressful day. Nether really knew what it was, the feeling they felt for one another, they weren't together, but they weren't just friends. They were something special, something they both could feel in their hearts, Almost like their heart beats were in-sync. They never really questioned it either. They would never text one another, or call the other to see if they want to meet, their hearts told them to go to the park, That's how they met. Soobin felt this need to go to this park that he likely had not been to since he was a child, sitting on this same bench, always at sunset, and almost like magic Kai came up behind him and asked if he could sit with him. They didn't feel scared of one another, actually that same evening they cried together, talking like old friends and not like acquaintances. Never once have they questioned it, they even joked about 'being lovers in a past life', not really thinking hard on the joke.

Now with the sun setting into a starry night they sat and watched the moon cast over the pond. Soobin cuddled close into Kais side as they watched the geese and ducks swim around gently. Silence between them, the soft beating of each others hearts whispered soft 'I love yous' into the thin air. The world seemed still around them, like they were nothing more than a dream to people around them. While no words needed to be exchanged between them, they both knew the love the other felt towards them, the single most magical thing that drew them to this park every night without hesitation or question on the matter. Living in the moment of life that felt free, within the arms of one another.


Short but sweet. This song brings fond memories back to me in my first Relationship, I hope you found it just as fitting and soft as I did. Thank you for 666 reads haha. lol. =D

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