~Hurts Like Hell~

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Theme -Stalker! AU

Timeline - Modern Day

The cold alleyway was dense with the smell of feces and blood. A hooded boy stood within the shadows of the skinny path between run down apartments, almost waiting for something as he tapped his foot impatiently. In a rushed look at his phone he glanced down the alleyway as he stood very still. Almost as if on cue a young boy walked by, a bag hanging from his shoulders loosely as he walked down the sidewalk in the late evening. To others this was seen as normal, a boy walking down the sidewalk, likely back home from late hours of schooling. However to Soobin this was oddly specific and always perfectly timed. He had been studying or I guess, stalking, the young boy for over a month. Finding out everything about him from a distance. He had learned that he went to school around 8 am, got off at 6 pm, and then made this same walk home every day. He always arrived home no later then 7:30 pm every day. This boy was ranged between the ages of 15-18 years of age by simple appearance. Soobin had learned so much about the boy, about how he loved his laugh, or how he smiled at any and all dogs on his walk.

Mere minutes after the boy walked by Soobin left down the same direction, seeing the younger as he stopped at the light which gave him time to catch up without running. As the light went white for them to walk Soobin was able to be only a few steps behind the younger. He looked at his own phone as he kept glancing at the others body language, studying how he was relaxed yet not completely. He could tell slowly that he was becoming paranoid about the almost looming figure trailing behind him. Soobin glanced around as he put his phone away, taking note in the lacking people before making his move. With a quick movement he grabbed the other and pulled him into the alleyway they were passing by, quickly pulling him into the house that was indeed his own with his hand over his mouth. The young boy screaming into his hand as Soobin roughly pulled him into the house and knocking him out to deal with later.


'Where am I?'Kais thoughts raised as his eyes blinked open to the dim lit room. He struggled against the restraints as tears pricked His eyes. All his sounds being muffled by the fabric tied tightly around His mouth. Kai glanced around in panic as he screamed into the fabric. The screams being silenced as the lights turned on to reveal a young man staring at him from across the room. Kais heart raced as he struggled more and whined into his cries. Soobin slowly made his walk towards Kai as he bent down and rubbed his hand over his cheek. "I won't hurt you my sweet little kitten.~" His voice was soothing to hear, somehow bringing a sense of relief to Kai as his sobs silenced to low sniffles.

Soobins eyes worriedly looked over his face as he looked around at the close details of the younger. "You are beautiful.." He gasped out softly. Kai watched him, scared of being hurt, he was tall, he looked like he could hurt someone if he wanted to. Kai watched as the other studied his face, tracing his every feature as he steadily breathed. The younger taking the time to look over his kidnappers face, his eyes that seemed so soft yet held some form of sinister intentions within them. He mumbled around the fabric, wanting to ask so many questions as he still struggled.

Soobin clicked his tongue and untied his gag. Hushing him as he placed his finger on his lips. "I have been watching you for a month, recognizing your daily path and taking every second into my mind for memory. You have intrigued me for to long, I must keep you for study. I must know everything about you." Soobin whispered and hummed into his ear warmly as he pulled away. Kai went silent, watching how he gently treated him. "W-when can I leave...?" He sniffles softly, A gentle growl coming from the other. "I dont want to loose you, you are mine!" Soobin moved away as he shouted in a fit of rage, banging his head as he whispered about the voices, "They told me! T-they made me realize how beautiful you were!" He laughed like he was crazy, pulling at his hair in soft cries as he fell to his knees. The sight was one that Kai found scary, shaking in fear of him. "I-Im yours! I-m all yours!" Kai whimpered and looked at how these simple words eased his mental state into soft pants as he hummed. "All mine.." He whispered lowly. "No one can have you, Y-You live here now, with me." Soobin stood on wobbly legs, looking at Kai with an intimidating glare, "You will listen to me or else I will punish. Understood?" His glare was stern, causing the scared Kai to agree hopelessly. Without another glare or word to the younger he was quick to leave the dimly lit room. Locking up the heavy door incase he were to get free of the ropes.

~Years Later~

The first few months of Kais disappears were spent with him trapped in that house, obeying to Soobins every word. The case went cold as they suspected the boy was dead, Soobin making sure to hide Kai and alter his look. The first year was tough for Kai, to scared to leave, staying inside the house of his kidnapper. Slowly over the years he developed what is called 'Stockholm syndrome'. Finding a fond love in Soobin, becoming close to his capturing, seeing as he was the only other human contact he had on a daily. Of course while Soobin was a stalker he wasn't a monster, he kept the boy fed, he homeschooled him, and even got him a cat to keep him company as he worked. Kai became dependent on Soobin for everything, he never did something without permission, he never talked back. The two even grew a romantic relationship, as mentioned before, Soobin was the only other human contact he was allowed to have on a day to day bases. Kai grew submissive to Soobin in every way. So when one day he suddenly found himself waking up in an alleyway he was scared, looking around for the only person he knew anymore. "S-soobinnie hyung..." Kai whispered as he stood and looked around rushingly. He held himself as he began to panic, running out cautiously as he looked for the other. Kai cried as he felt his phone buzz, his hands shaking as he looked at the text.

Soobinnie; "You don't deserve to be here, locked away from the world anymore. PLEASE, go be free. I love you"

Kai started to sob at the text as he panicked and looked around in fear of others, trying to find anything that seemed familiar. Tears covering his sight as he tripped and ran around in complete fear, scared of all the worried faces around him. He stopped at a road crossing after running for about 15 minutes and gasped as he looked around, he had a very slim memory of this place. Without much thought he ran down the road in a rush of sudden joy. He bolted into an alleyway and knocked vigorously on the door of a house, crying loudly as he shook with anxiety.

Soobin heard the loud crying as he wiped his own tears, shakily opening the door, seeing the crying and shaking younger sat on his knees. He frowns and pulled Kai up onto his feet as he hugged him, hearing him whine about him leaving him. "D-dont leave me.."Kai cried and hugged him tighter. What once was a stranger who took him has now become the closest person in his life, he'd be unable to live without him, depending on his kidnapper like most with Stockholm syndrome do. Soobin felt distraught, he wanted him free, he loved him but he didn't want him to suffer anymore. Kai was a mess in his arms, finally calming down after many kisses and soft words.

They laid in bed that night, Kai fast asleep on Soobins chest as he lay awake in thought. He looked at Kais resting body and sighs shakily, "I took you from your family, cause I'm selfish. I wanted someone to love, and now I have it, but at what cost? Do you really love me?" Soobin whispered quietly as he rubbed his cheek softly, eyes closed tightly as tears spilled slowly. "Of course I love you.."Kais sleepy whisper was soft, so true and so low. Kais eyes barely opened as he leaned up towards Soobins teary face, placing a soft yet heartwarming kiss on the others lips. Soobins lips shaking as he kissed back slowly. "You may have taken me, but I grew to love you.." Kais words were warm against his lips as he pulled him in closer. Easing the worries away with deep and night long kisses.



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