~Run Away~

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Theme -Angst With Happy Ending

Timeline - Modern Day

"We can't be together Hyung!" Kai cried out as he shoved Soobin away. He was in such a bad mental state that his own thoughts were not making sense anymore. "Look I don't care what everyone else says, I'm not leaving you over some dumb rule our parents have." Soobin tried to explain, trying to hold Kai to calm his cries. Yet he just kept getting pushed away, he needed to help Kai but he wasn't listening. "We'll have nowhere to go if we stay together Hyung!" HueningKai hit the stone wall still in tears, the cold breeze of the late hours brushing past them in gentle gust. Soobin felt helpless, watching the younger in such a state, thinking of a plan to keep them together.

The silence grew between them with soft cries being the only audible sound. Soobin sighed and bit his lip roughly, slowly approaching Kai. Putting a shaky hand on Kais shoulder as he gently turned to look at his face. Kais face was pale, his eyes puffy and red from crying. He looked up at the older and sniffles into the silence, trying to read Soobins eyes. "W-what are we going to do..?" He hopelessly whimpered. Soobin gently intertwined their fingers together as he leaned his forehead on Kais. The silent cold air between them made the moment more intense as Soobin gaped his mouth to talk.

 "In moments like these, when tears fill your eyes, hold my hand tight.." Soobin whispered under his breath, the grip on their hands tightening. Kais breathing calmed slowly, taking in the words as he glanced at the others eyes. Staring deeply between them, a comfort in the others eyes. "Should we run away?" The words seemed so warm as they rolled off Soobins lips in an almost silent whispered. Kai gulped and looked at their hands, "R-Run away..?" He was hesitant, they were so young. 'Would it really be better to run away?' Kai thought.

With demanding eyes and a hopeful smile, Soobin pulled Kais chin up to look up at him. "Run away with me.Till the worlds end. Run away with me." Soobin smiled sweetly at him, they needed each other. Kai gulped and gave a soft nod, "Take me to the magic called 'us". Soobin beamed a smile ear to ear as he pecked Kais lips softly. Kai felt the butterflies in his stomach as Soobin smiled at him, slowly dragging him back to his house.

So before they can run away they needed to gather some of their own stuff, like money and such. Without care Soobin walked into Kais parents house, hands interlocked as he walked towards the others room. The two being yelled at by the two adults, paying no mind and packing some of Kais stuff. Soobin didn't give the two any chance to get near his boy. Kai was laughing as he packed quickly, Soobin mocked his parents. "Kai you will be disowned if you leave this house with this man!" His father shouted at him, furious with his son. "I'd rather be disowned then spend a moment away from him!" Kai huffed back at them. Soobin grabbing the bags and Kais hand as he pushed past the angry parents.

"Don't you dare walk out that door Huening Kai!" His mother growled under her breath. Kai stopped at the door and gently looked behind him at the two. Soobin noticed Kais halt at the door, hands still held tight between them. The younger looked at Soobin and smirked as he pecked his lips, pulling the other out the door in a rush to get away. Making a quick escape to Soobins house were he gathered his own stuff quick and left without a word to his parents who like Kais were shouting at him.

They ran, far across town from their parents. They laughed as they stopped by a public park and set their stuff down to take in the previous events of the night. Soobin smiled softly as he looked at the smiling younger. "We'll get a train tomorrow to go to Busan, get far away from this city." He hummed and gently hugged the other who melted under his touch. "I cant wait to be free of their negativity, to fully run away from them."Kai whispered into his chest. It was comforting to see the two happy. "Run away with me HueningKai, we can be the two who truly find the magic island hidden behind the thin walls of reality." Soobin partly laughed as he buried his head in his shoulders.

It didn't take long for the two to contact a friend about the situation, staying over at the house for the night. As they laid on their friend Taehyun's couch they realized just how free they felt. "I love you.." Kai whispered quietly, listening to the elders heart beat as it eased him to sleep. "I love you too." Soobin hummed, running his fingers through Kai's hair, the two falling into a peaceful sleep without worry about the morning.

-Several Months later-

"AH! No Soobinnie Hyung! Stop!" Kai was balled over on the floor laughing his lungs out. Soobin did not find the others teasing very funny so he figured he deserved a punishment of tickling. "Apologies!" Soobin chuckled into an evil smirk, pinning the other down to tickling him until he couldn't move. "I'M SORRY! OH GOD I'M SORRY! PLEASE L-LET ME GO!" Kai was crying from how much he was laughing. The taller stopped his tickling and got up laughing gently at the younger panting on the floor from laughing. "Good boy~" He cooed and helped Kai up. Kai pouted at him and gave his arm a gentle punch, "I'm not some dog." He huffed cutely. Soobin laughed and patted his cheek, "sure okay, you know you like it though." He cooed before gathering the pillows for the couch and setting them back up neatly. Kai blushed and looked away. "Just remember, you ran away with me." Soobin hugged him from behind and smiled into his neck as he left gently pecks on it. Kai hummed with a hitch in his breathing, "No, We ran away Together, you just had the idea." He laughs and leans back into him gently. "I can't argue with that." Soobin smiled and hugged his waist tighter, enjoying the warmth and shared love between them. Neither of them regretting that decision to run away. They both found jobs in Busan, while nothing fancy, it paid bills and that's all that mattered to them. Their friends would visit often to check up on the two and make sure they weren't dead, or like what Taehyun likes to say 'Engaged without telling him'. While the decision to run from home was a dangerous one, they wouldn't have it any other way. They were happy with each other, no one to judge or tell them no. They have finally found the magic called 'us'.


This one was fun to write, I enjoyed having 'Run Away' on repeat for like 30 minutes and just constantly feeling attacked by how amazing they all sound. OOF. I hope you've liked it as well! Also the story already has like 40 views and I'm like really happy that people are reading it!╥ 3 ╥ THANK YOUUU <3

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