~Fire On Fire~

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Theme - Elemental Powers

Timeline - Present Time

~some backstory on characters and such~

This is a story about two people who share such a great gift that if left uncontrolled can destroy everything .Our main character is Choi Soobin, he is 19 and he hides a magical power that is so mysterious yet beautiful. With a snap of his fingers or a thought in his mind he can summon fire within his hands. While this gift seems so beautiful and mysterious, it is incredibly dangerous if one isn't in the right mindset to use it responsibly.

Now we cant have a story of lovers without another person, no? Our lover in this story is HueningKai, he is 17 and he possesses the power of air. He can control it subtly like small gust of wind, but if in the wrong emotional state he can end up causing hurricanes up to a cat 5 to just suddenly appear. Its very important for both of these boys to know how to control these powers, no matter the situation and state of mind they are in. This is where the Real story starts, so make sure you remember these perks of the boys.


~3rd Person~

Soobin let a deep sigh leave his lips and fade into the chilly morning air. Walking down the quiet street as music blast through his earbuds, filling his ears with such a soft voice that sent chills down his back. The young male was going to his favorite library that was a mere few minutes of walking from his apartment. Upon entering the library in the early hours of the day he had noticed the lack of people, this made him smile in relief. He can do his research without any questioning glances from others about his reading choice. Yet even with the lack of people he had taken great attention to the boy that sat in the back of the library with a book in his lap. Out of curiosity Soobin went to find the book he had been oh so desperate to read.

After searching for what felt like hours, he couldn't find the book he had seen last time he was there. Soobin heard walking down one of the close by aisles, quickly grabbing a book and opening it as he pretended to read it. He listened to the walking until he seen the boy from earlier coming down the aisle he was on. Soobin noticed the book in his hands, a gentle gasp left his lips at the realization that the boy was holding the book he was looking for. This gasp didn't go unnoticed as the shorter glanced at the other male in curiosity.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked the other, seeing him glancing at the book as he stuttered to answer. Soobin looked at the other and stuttered over a reply, this boy was incredibly handsome and he wasn't sure how to respond. "O-Oh uh.." He laughed nervous and put the book in his arms back on the shelf, "are you by any chance, d-done with that book?" Soobin gulped at the nervous stutter as he pointed at the book. Kai looked at the book and then back up at the other, "Are you interested in elemental people too?" He whispered under his breath, nevering having met anyone who has an interest in it.

Soobin nods softly, "Yeah, Im very interested in it, but I wouldn't hate to learn about you to" He smiled gently and gave a soft wink to the cutie. This caused Kais cheeks to flush red as he looked away softly smiling, a gentle wind being blown by them. This caused Soobin to wonder about the younger. "What's your name? You can call me Soobin" He introduced himself, gently pulling the others chin up with his finger; Their eyes meeting in a firey gaze as Soobin quickly moved his hand away as he felt it becoming warm. "My names HueningKai" Kai introduced with a soft breathless gasp. The two could tell there was something different about the other.

The two ended up talking for quite a while about their collective interest in elemental powers in people, becoming very close as they conversated. They traded numbers and soon went their own ways for the rest of the day. The two would not stop texting each other for weeks. This continued for several months, neither telling the other about their own elemental powers. Yet now they've fallen for one another, scared to admit it to the other.


"Come on Kai, it'll be fun!" Soobin laughed softly as he pulled the younger with him to a hidden and abandoned building. "But hyung~ Its so late and dark" Kai huffed with a soft smile on his lips, he wouldn't deny it, he was excited to be alone with the older. "Don't worry about the dark Kai, we'll be fine" Soobin reassured him as he pulled the door open and walked inside with Kai at his side. It hadn't been abandoned for long, but just long enough to look really cool and be hella dark.

"Huening Kai, close your eyes and count to 10" Soobin said as he looked at the younger through the barely seeable darkness. "No, you'll just scare me or something." Kai refused and watched as the older disappeared into the dark. "Just do it, you wont be scared of the dark after, I promise." Soobins soft words somehow convinced Kai to listen. Soon finding himself closing his eyes and  slowly counting. "1....2....3....4....5.." Kai's gentle voice spoke the small words into the still air, hearing the older moving closer, and with a snap in the silent air he felt a heat in front of him. His counting came to a stop as he fluttered his eyes open to see Soobin extremely close to him, holding a flame within his hand. His own heart fluttered at the sight as he glanced back up at Soobin, seeing him smile gently down at him.

Kai bit his lip and looked back at the flame as he gently moved Soobin's hand closer. Slowly running his finger around the flame in his palm, causing air to fuel the flame higher. Hearing an audible gasp from the flaming holding male. Kai glanced up at him, finding a look in his eyes that he had yet to see in anyone else's eyes. It was the burning flame of love, and inside his own eyes was the wind that keeps the flame burning. It felt like destiny in those moments, like the flame was their only light in the dark yet it felt like even in a rainstorm the flame wouldn't falter or flicker out.

Slow movements, drawn together by the warmth of the others flame inside their hearts. Yet as the gap closed between them the flame in Soobins hand was smothered out by HueningKai's air, leaving the scene to the darkness that surrounded them. Even though the flame has flickered out, the warmth still remains in their hearts for the other. 


I may or may not continue this one, I like the idea of it so maybe I will. idk Let me know if I should make a part two.

SooKai OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя