Chapter 19 Testing

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Wen Ling didn't know the exact location of Shen Lin's home because he fell asleep on the road when he arrived.

So when he was leaving, he looked out the window the whole time, watching helplessly as the trees around him became increasingly sparse and the clear air became more and more turbid. When he finally drove into the main road of the eastern base city, he no longer knew how far he had gone.

He didn't even know which direction he came from.

You don't need to think about it to know that the place where Shen Lin lives must be much more hidden than ordinary people.

That piece of pure land was like a place in a fairy tale where you could only find the entrance by chanting the right spell. Without someone to guide him, he simply couldn't go back.

The installation of purification piles of Lingfeng Technology is in the final finishing touches.

Although he has long been accustomed to a world full of smog, Wen Ling still hopes that the day will come soon when he can take off his protective mask outdoors at any time.

He sent Hill a message on the way.

Not surprisingly, when the car stopped at the entrance of the building, almost all the prominent people in the company lined the street to welcome him.

Seeing that it was Xiong Qi who sent Wen Ling to the company, Hill widened the corners of his mouth and greeted him with a smile.

Xiong Qi declined the invitation to have a cup of tea, said goodbye politely in official terms, and left.

Surrounded by people from all over the company, Wen Ling followed Hill back to the office with a cold face, sat on the sofa and listened to her ramble for more than an hour.

Hill really wanted to know what had happened these past few days, and kept making crazy jokes.

But Wen Ling didn't like to talk in front of outsiders, and because he was in a bad mood now, he sat expressionless from beginning to end, not bothering to say a word to Hill.

If you had to face Wen Ling's attitude before, even if you weren't too harsh, you would always get a lesson from criticism.

Today, Hill's tolerance level is more than a little higher.

After racking her brains to talk until the end, she didn't even get angry when she saw Wen Ling dozing openly and about to fall asleep. Not only did she write off the incident of him driving the company car privately to touch porcelain, but she also removed some unnecessary tasks and let him He went back and had a good rest.

Wen Ling does not have a home of his own, and the only place he can go back to is the dormitory arranged by the company.

Lying on his single bed, Wen Ling's mind was replaying every moment he had spent with Shen Lin over and over again like a movie. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

After trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep, Wen Ling sat up from the bed and opened the terminal to log in to the live broadcast platform. He saw that Luo Yu did not get out of bed and change clothes directly after the broadcast started.

In less than half an hour, there was a knock on Luo Yu's door.

Luo Yu disliked the fact that the staff dormitory was not only small and crowded but didn't even have a cloakroom, so he bought a house near the company early.

Although there are only two bedrooms and one living room, it is enough for one person.

He yawned and opened the door. When he saw that the person who came was Wen Ling, he vaguely made a way into the house: "Baby? Why are you here? Come in quickly."

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