Chapter 32

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No one expected that something like this would suddenly happen, and everything would have to be put aside in front of the children.

Although Shen Lin felt relieved after knowing that the baby was in Lingfeng Technology, he did not dare to neglect and drove to the company himself at the maximum speed limit.

It was Wen Ling's first time to come to Lingfeng Technology. As soon as he arrived downstairs, he was stunned by the towering skyscraper. He had seen this building by accident in other places a long time ago. It was just a stone's throw away. I thought it was very cool, but I didn't expect it to be where Lingfeng Technology was located.

After entering the company lobby, Miss Lilian, the current special assistant to the president who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted her. She ran to the elevator on high heels and pressed the up button. Shen Lin and Wen Ling entered the elevator without stopping. Second.

Shen Lin stared at the floor numbers bouncing on the screen and said with a slightly anxious tone, "Where is the child."

No one in the world except Xiong Qi, Lian Yue and others knew about Shen Yiyi's existence.

In the eyes of all employees of Lingfeng Technology and even the entire human race, this CEO holds a high position but has never messed with AO relationships. He is definitely a clean-minded S+Alpha who always puts the supreme interests of all mankind first and whose achievements are obvious to all. He is an S+Alpha of countless An object of worship.

So when this kid showed up in the company, everyone was confused.

If Lilian hadn't recognized that the cuffs on the suit jacket he was wearing were collectibles that Shen Lin had won at an auction, she would have been sent to the public security bureau to report a missing child.

Of course Lilian was curious about who the person standing behind Shen Lin was wrapped tightly, but she quickly reported that she was safe without saying any nonsense.

"He is in your office and someone is taking care of him. Don't worry too much."

Shen Lin breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "When did he arrive?"

Lilian: "Half an hour ago this kid drove a go-kart over and parked it at the gate. The security guard told him he couldn't park the car there. He said his dad was the boss here and he could park it. We I originally thought it was the child of some senior executive, but after asking around, it turned out that it was not the case. In the end, he mentioned your name and was wearing your clothes. We didn't dare to take him seriously, so we had to take him to your office. "

Shen Lin was a little helpless.

Although the baby has no signs of turning into a human yet, he and Wen Ling have been making preparations and have added many toys at home that children will like.

Since Wen Ling said he didn't know how old the baby would be after he evolved, he hadn't bought any clothes yet.

That go-kart was one of the toys prepared for Shen Yiyi, and he mentioned it by chance before.

I didn't expect this child...

Shen Lin was angry and funny. He recalled the shape of the go-kart and couldn't help but start to imagine what his child would look like sitting on it. He vaguely sketched a small figure in his mind.

The elevator door opened, and the floor where he worked alone arrived.

As he walked from the elevator to the office, Shen Lin's heart couldn't help but beat faster and faster. In contrast, Wen Ling seemed calmer. Perhaps it was because he was a dolphin and spent every day with the baby before turning back into a human, so he didn't have the curiosity that Shen Lin felt when meeting him for the first time.

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