Chapter 59 [With forum body]

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[Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Is this world crazy? 】

1st Floor [Owner]:

Although everyone should have seen it a long time ago, I still forward the base announcement;


Today, we received a public report about the incident of Shen Lin, the president of Lingfeng Technology, privately raising dolphins, an extinct species. The eastern base Lingfeng Technology's specially approved test site confirmed that it had successfully captured dolphins with sonar. After investigation, Shen Lin violated the laws of the base and raised dolphins privately. He confessed to his behavior (related to endangered species in the "Animal Protection Law": Article 15, it is prohibited to raise endangered animals privately without permission, and if they conceal it and fail to report it, the base will take necessary coercive measures and impose fines according to the severity of the situation. ). In this regard, the Human Base Office has adopted the following measures after consultation: 1. Make a public announcement and criticize the illegal behavior of the parties concerned. 2. Take coercive measures against the parties who illegally resist the legal confiscation of human bases: revoke special-level permissions, impose a fine of 10,000,000 yuan, and conduct self-reflection behind closed doors until they voluntarily hand over the privately raised endangered species dolphins.


I just put on the pain mask, and the sky is falling!

What is this all about? ? I thought the dolphin thing was just a joke, but Mr. Shen actually admitted it was true?

The first time I saw the announcement, I felt that the punishment was too severe. When I woke up, there was poisonous gas outside the window. When I went to the street, I saw that the green light of the Lingfeng Purification Station was all out? ?

Isn't it crazy up here? Are you serious about such harsh treatment?

Is Shen Lin crazy? What have the people done wrong to continue wearing masks?

Can this world ever get better?

Floor 59:

It wasn't a big deal in the first place. Isn't the reason why dolphins are endangered and finally extinct the result of human beings' sins?

Mr. Shen has long mentioned his relationship with dolphins. There is nothing wrong with secretly keeping the dolphins he rescued at home out of protection, right? And it's reasonable to resist handing over to someone. You can imagine that a small animal that has been raised for so many years has feelings with a pig's brain, right?

Floor 262:

The original poster should be less arrogant. Mr. Shen's approach is reasonable and I support wearing a mask.

Floor 497:

Sometimes I really don't understand what some people above have in their heads.

I just secretly raised a dolphin. I didn't raise a Tyrannosaurus rex to destroy the world. What's wrong with giving the right to raise it out of good intentions? I don't know which 2B insisted on breaking up with Shen Lin, something that was originally handled well. Feel comfortable now. Injure the enemy eight hundred and damage yourself eight thousand, it depends on how you end up.

Floor 611:

To be honest, even if I were arrested and detained, I would still say it. The base management who made this decision were completely clueless.

Floor 977:

Is there something wrong with the management we voted for back then?

As for Shen Lin, if you don't have the guts to capture him and shoot him, don't try to fight against him. Because no one can guarantee that there will be a second Shen Lin who will step forward to create a second Lingfeng Technology. Look directly at me! Fool!

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