Part 4

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a/n: I am not good with fight scenes. So this chapter is probably trash 

Edited~ still doesnt mean it's better lol

Koro-sensei let see how you do against me when I'm all fired up

fufufu, very well (f/n) I'll play along

The Fight Begins, Koro-sensei pov

(f/n) has two handguns in her hands. She can shoot up to 20 rounds. Well, that is not the problem, I believe she will have some cards up her sleeves, after all, she is experienced.

She is currently aiming at me. She started with 5 rounds. She hesitated. then Shot another 10 round, this time more refined than the previous round. 

"I see trying to test the waters. Analyze all you want but it won't do you any good against my Mach 20 speed."

"I see," she smirked dropping her handguns.

(btw (f/n) is wearing shorts under her skirt)

She pulled two knives from her knife carrier located underneath her skirt. Then took off the bottom part of her shoes. Weights?

The real fight begins.

She's fast, but not fast enough as I dodge her knife strikes too my head.
Her strikes were heavy, I remarked as they wedged into the ground. Using the knives as a leverage she roundhouses kicked me, I blocked it but that didn't do much since she taped anti-me blades on the bottom part of her shoes. my tentacle fell off.  
As she retreats, I made her trip with my tentacle. To regain her balance, she did a backflip, in midair she threw her knives at me. She took out an unknown substance from within her sleeves.

"Are you still going to continue you won't get anywhere if you keep this up" koro sensei taunted as he regenerated. 

Silence. I took a look at her again. She is breathing hard, seems she used a lot of stamina, her fierce eyes turned dull. She's getting serious.
She exhales and threw something, it hit the ground, a smoke bomb? Is she trying to limit my vision? What the, he watched as his skin started to melt. I felt something behind me- a lot of bloodlusts, I dodged just in time and lept out of the bomb's range. She has erased her presence. She came charging out of the mist.
She dodged my attempt to trip her as I dodged her attempt 1,2,3,4... 

She then stopped and dropped her weapons.

"you win" she proclaimed with a smile

"and why is that am I too good for you" He boasts turning green striped.

"I can't figure out how to defeat you" She sighed. "I can see why they haven't gotten rid of you yet, your speed is unparalleled and your regeneration is really annoying." She continued. " I only picked a fight with you just to see what kind of character you have. Your character is better than the other crappy teachers."

"you've earned (f/n) approval as her teacher, not bad" she turned to see who the voice belongs to, it was Karma. 

"shut up Karma its just rare to see a teacher with these characters, I'm just curious."

"Oh, your blushing, so not your character, want me to take a picture?" he said holding out his phone.

"argh, why you little piece of..." She stopped midway then sighed "I'm leaving" she walked through the crowd and up the stairs and took her stuff.

"Akabane-san there is still class and it's not good to cut" Koro-sensei spoked

"I'll attend class when I have time. If there is a test I will show up to class without fail, though that doesn't mean I'll show up on time, oh and any homework give it to me when I show up."

And just like that, she left.

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