Part 65

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"October 10th huh?... Its Ms. Bitch's birthday..." (f/n) stares at her calendar. "should I get her something."

'honey, October 10th is four days ago...' her mother rolled her eyes.

"the difference?" she sassed. "she's getting something either way."


Kataoka slides open the door to the staff room, "Professor Bitch, do you have time to go over a little french dialogue"

Ms. Bitch immediately sat upright, replying, "say what? oh right, you had your heart set on working abroad."

"yeah- oh I mean to say oui."

"Well alright. Take a seat and we'll~" She starts, but the two girls just came in and dragged her out. "Actually, the weather is so nice, I was thinking we could do this outside."

"Huh? But why—"

"C' mon, it'll be fun!"

Outside, Okajima is eavesdropping, "Man, those two are lucky to have us around to push things along."

He squats back down to avoid getting caught, then gave a thumbs up to Maehara, who reported into his phone. "Mission complete, the fox and the hound have been separated, on to phase two. We're counting on you birthday present squad."

Meanwhile off-campus

"The worst team name I've ever heard." (F/n) complains currently standing on the streets with Kayano, Kanzaki, Sugino, Nagisa, Okuda, and Karma.

Sugino ends the call and said, "alright let's do this and what exactly are you supposed to get someone who has two of everything."

"it's not gonna be easy" Kayano noted.

"Everybody pitched in, not a whole lot but is better than nothing." Nagisa looked at the pocket change. "Question is, will it be enough to buy a proper grown-up gift."

"Hey, over here!" Someone called from behind, looking at the flower salesman who looks awfully familiar.

"Did everything end up okay? You know, the old-timer on the bicycle." He asks in concern.

They gasp in recognition. "You're the flower guy who called the ambulance!" 

"He managed to forgive us after a couple of weeks." Nagisa smiles sheepishly. "uh, thanks for helping us out."

He smiles, "no sweat.I'm glad it wasn't as bad as it looks. Beg your pardon, I couldn't help but overhear, you're in the market looking for a grownup gift?"

Kanzaki replies cheerfully. "Oh, yes. Yes, we are."

"Well, how about something like this?" He hands her a lovely red rose.

"I get it: a bouquet!" Kayano gasps.

"In this day and age, we can have whatever we want, but flowers are still the go-to gift of choice. Why do you suppose that is?" He asks. When he turns back around, with a bouquet of roses in his hands. "It's not just about romance, their color, their shape, and scent... the fact that they don't last. Flowers are an ideal metaphor for the human condition."

"Wow, you're a very persuasive salesman, sir!"

"Quite the poetic little speech... is that calculator part of the symbolism." Karma points out.

"Hey, I'm just trying to make a living." He said sheepishly. "So uh, you in? I cut you a deal. It's flowery fate."

They smile at each other, and bought it.

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