Part 53

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Suspension is so boring

Well, at least I don't have to go to school. Wait I never go to school in the first place.

I had a huge argument with my deceased mom, don't ask. I mean can't she does anything about my intoxication. Sigh~whatever.

According to Ritsu, Kayano is doing WHAT!!!

Rushing up the mountain at top speed, I reached the Class E building. And I'll tell you, running up a mountain at top speed ain't easy even if you are a modified human.

I climbed through the window and collapsed on my old desk. "You -heave- you're making -heave- a giant -heave- pudding. And you didn't think to invite me."
I caught my breath halfway through my speech.

Kayano did an 'oops' face.
Kayano laughs, "Well since you're already here. You may as well join. The first steps are already in place, thanks to Mr. Karasuma."

"Yes, everything's all set—"

"To the yard" She shouts, cutting him off.

We walk out and gaped at a huge, cylinder shape covered with blankets, and other metal things on the ground.

"This mold, and those eggs—don't tell me—" Okuda gasps. "Yep! We're going to make one ginormous pudding! I call it: Operation Pudding Popper!"

"Ok, but after the assassination, I am so making ice cream in this." I continued to inspect the mold, nodding with approval. "It's good quality."

"Operation Pudding Popper? Koro-sensei does have quite the sweet tooth..." Nagisa mumbles.

"Yeah, diabetes will probably kill him, before we can," I said under my breath.

"and due to his most recent confession! Koro-sensei told me he wishes to eat a pudding bigger than he is, but is broke! So let's make his dream a reality! Oh course, I'd like to eat some, too!"

"We'll put bombs and anti-sensei BB's at the base of the giant pudding. Once he gets to the bottom, kaboom!"

"Its worth a shot," Isogai said thoughtfully.

"He does tend to go crazy over sweet and sexy stuff." Okajima grins agreeing with Isogai.

"And with someone like Kayano, who isn't usually proactive; operating this plan, there's the element of surprise, too," Takebayashi said pushing up his glasses.

"Okay, let's use this time when Koro-sensei's not around and go for it!"

"Yeah!" We all pumped fists.


"Careful it's a delicate process!" Kayano yelled.
"First we mix in sugar and milk into the battered eggs. Then vanilla extracts for some flavor." 

"Hey Kayano didn't someone tried to make a giant pudding on TV once, and it didn't work."

Yeah, it collapsed under its own weight." Kurahashi said while stirring the mixture.

"To that, I have a solution, we're mixing in agar and gelatin as coagulants. The agar's fiber will make it stronger. Plus, agar's higher melting point means it's slower to melt in the heat, so the pudding should stay firm even outside in September." 

"You did your homework." I nodded in appreciation. 

"Pour in the first batch of pudding!" A load of the mixtures is poured into the mold. 

"Once that's all in, swap with the second batch! And, with the agar helping the base stay firm, we can increase the cream on the upper layers to keep it light, and not crumble on its weight."

  "Then what are these?" Kataoka asks, pointing at the jelly-like substance.

"Bursts of flavors, from fruit sauce to mousse. Wouldn't you get sick of the same flavor, eating something of that magnitude? Adding these in there will provide some variety." Kayano explained.

"Once the mold is full, put on the lid and let it chill. The mold's outer walls are equipped with cooling pipes, and inside are flowing with coolant. A pudding of this size needs to be chilled inside and out."

"Just how much does Kayano know about pudding, anyway?" Isogai gasp.

  "She's got the scientific basis and she's studied up on flavor!" Maehara continues.

"Plus she managed to grasp the usage of this machine, to bring out its potential." I praised. "Not bad of course, but I can do better."


"After chilling overnight, proceed to remove the cooling pipes, loosen the bolts, and let air flow between the mold and the pudding itself," Kayano instructed.

"Then...we release the external lock!" Kayano shouts. 

A rush of cool air came out from the structure.

"Once the pudding's out of the mold, we cover up the outside with softened gelatin and agar, and top it off with caramel sauce, then slightly toast the surface, and..."

"It's finished."

"Oh man, it looks delicious!" Sugino exclaims.  "You forget there's a bomb in there!" Rio grins, taking selfies with it. 

I too took a picture. "Well this has been an eventful day, I gotta go, or else I'll be late fir work."

"You have work?"

"Yep keep it a secret. Kay? Oh and Isogai I'll be going to the cafe later. I expect free coffee." He groaned as I waved the class goodbye.

"She didn't even consider how this is gonna affect me." Isogai sighed. "That was supposed to be a secret."


Upon arriving home I head to my personal library.

Passing by the kitchen I saw something that grabbed my attention.

A glass stands with pudding on it, along with a note.

I know you helped make the pudding so here, enjoy some.


So the assassination was a failure, huh. As expected of our teacher.

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