Part 58

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Filler time

Why am I here again, I asked my mom slightly pissed.

"Because my senses are telling me, you should be here." She replied as a matter of factly.

I silently cursed while staring at the lovely scenery from the roof of the main building.
'I'll have you know, I'm missing P.E. because of you.'

'and I'll have you know you lost a game of chess against me this morning.' She replied smoothly, countering me.

My argument with my mother was cut short as the door opened revealing two figures, a male, and a female.

Not sure why I hid but I find myself eavesdropping on them, from a hidden location the area on top of the roof's entrance.

I can tell the girl was really nervous because of the trembles in her voice.
For some reason though, she was really getting on my nerves. Her posture is shy... too shy, to the point I feel like she's exaggerating and her voice, don't get me started with her voice. It is so high pitch I can't tell what species she belongs to.

"I um... I really admire you... for the longest time." she began.

I mentally groaned. 'really a love confession? I'm here because of a stupid love confession?'

This better not be one of her twisted obsessions. But with my mother, you never know.

'shush, just keep listening, my hunches are never wrong' my mom said tired of hearing my complaints.

"please Asano, go out with me." she finally confesses bowing.

Hearing his name I became slightly interested. I perked up my ears to better listen to their conversation.

"I'm sorry, but I do not feel the same." Gakushu rejected her, and I felt a strange wave of relief.

"it's her isn't it." The former timid shy girl with high pitched voice was no more. It was replaced by someone who looks exactly like her but with flames of jealousy dancing in her eyes. "you two are dating, aren't you."

Well, that's unexpected, never thought she'd show her true form so soon. And me? date him, you're funny.

"you are mistaken, I am currently not dating anybody." He denied quickly.

"during the summer you two are always together, eating lunch and talking on the roof." she shouted hysterically not believing him. "that girl, (f/n). If only she never existed, then you wouldn't reject me."

"What are you talking about" he attempted to clear up the misunderstanding.

"don't come near me." she ran to the edge of the roof. "don't come near me or I'll jump."

Ok, that's it. I've seen enough.
I revealed myself, still on top of the roof entrance.
"go ahead jump. your pathetic life isn't really that valuable. If something as little as a rejection from your crush is able to push you to commit suicide than the real world would be a complete nightmare for you."

"(f/n)? when did you?" Gakushu asked.

"I was here before you entered with her, so I heard everything." I shrugged then jumped down and turn my attention back to the crazy two-faced female. "So aren't you going to jump?"

She looked over the edge and hesitated a little.

I scoffed at her actions. "Even your resolve is weak, you don't even have the will to end your own life."

"I-i do" she insisted.

"No you don't, look at your legs you're like a newborn fawn." I continued to mock her crossing my arms.

"(F/n) stop, that's enough. Keila, please stop this nonsense" Asano interjected.
'so that's her name.'

But I won't back down from this. This girl needs to have common sense beaten into her. If she can't deal with a small rejection she won't be able to survive the real world. However, whether Keila has the skills to survive the real world is up to herself.

"Hmph, now you're receiving pity from the person you just confess to. You really are weak." I add fuel on to the already raging fire.

She clenches her jaws in anger and screamed. "I'm not weak, and I don't need your pity." She solidified her resolve, and let go of the only thing keeping her from going to the next life.

I watched as she pushed herself to her doom. Asano ran to the railing trying to help, but I was much faster and rushed towards the edge and without hesitation, dived right after her.

"Are you crazy!!!" was the only thing I heard from him as I grabbed Keila midair and pulled her into my arms-bridal style. On instinct, she clings onto to my neck but I wasn't paying attention for an obvious reason. We are falling to our doom. With only a split second to think I prepare myself for impact.

Apparently, mother saw this coming and pulled some strings, helping me land, a near-perfect landing.
It's times like these I'm so glad I am a modified human.
And have someone like my mom helping me to calculate the physics of such intensity. I mean how else would explain my perfect landing from a four-story jump.

Editor: uh... dumb luck?

After coming to my senses and my vision cleared. I dropped the poor (not really, she deserved it) girl in my arms on to the floor like she was a bag of garbage.

"Hey!!" She complained still haven't fully processed the fact that I jumped after her and that she and I are completely fine. As well as the clear fact that I saved her.

"Don't complain, it's much better than falling from four stories." I glared while massaging my shoulders. "Looks like I was wrong about you. You do have a strong will after all."

I started walking away but I turned around and gave her one last look. "Never pull that stunt again and keep this a secret."

"Are you crazy, and how are you still alive" Gakushu won't shut up, and leave me alone.

I need to rest, my muscles are so sore from pulling that stunt. I may be modified, but that doesn't mean I can't feel pain.

"I was surprised, turns out you do have a heart." I scowled and gave him a look like he grew three head- not that it will make him any smarter.

"I don't have a heart." I denied. "If she died, the police would start questioning. And since we are the last to talk to her, we will be interrogated for a hell-a long time. That's the time I do not wish to waste. Plus the police and I had history and I do not want to be on their radar again."

"Besides with today's technology and medicine, the chances of her surviving is pretty high." I reasoned. "If she opened her eyes how was she able to face life. The life she decided to throw away so easily."

"That was why I pushed her and said all that to her. It is to light that fire under her, so she will be able to pick herself up onto her feet again." I huffed, must I explain myself.

"You truly are kind (f/n)." He muttered.

"maybe, maybe not." She smiled mysteriously. "Who knows"


"Onee-san" Keila sang happily, giving me a bento box.

Apparently, after saving her, she had a new crush, completely forgetting about her confession from the other day and it isn't exactly a secret nor subtle.

"Do you need anything, a book, a pillow, how about a shoulder massage." She is so annoying not to mention slightly creepy, and that high pitch screech. Omg, I just can't, just leave me alone.

I should've just let her die.

Hope Y'all enjoy the little filler.
I had this scene in the back of my mind since the moment I created this book.
Don't ask how I managed 1200 words of original content/one-shot.


Btw tell me if you want that annoying charac- *cough* I mean Keila to make another appearance. For the drama of course 😉.

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