Part 67

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November, the month of maturity.

Everyone's really starting to pay more attention to themselves, which is good because we only have four more months left to assassinate Koro-sensei.

Nagisa stares blankly at his Future Planning Survey, not knowing what he should write.

Then Ms. Bitch walks into the classroom in a completely new outfit that shows barely any skin. A long sleeved, high neck sweater and long, dark red skirt and her hair tied up. "Is that octopus for real, he's giving you kids career counseling now?" She asks, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

Director (crying): No but you looked so sexy!!

Editor: what are you a perverted old man

Author: this is important it shows her development as a character

Director: but this is a fanfic, you're supposed to have lots of unreasonable fanservice.

Author and editor: your opinion is irrelevant.

"Oh wow look at you, in a normal outfit."

"Yeah, thought I'd go for cheap and plain. Just trying to fit into your regular old world that's all." She asks shyly. "What? Don't tell me you suddenly want more skin?"

"No—hiding it has actually made you sexier," Okajima said, having a nosebleed.  "In a way, you've grown!" Mimura exclaims, blushing.  Nagisa sighs and looks down at his paper, gasping in horror. 

Future Planning Survey         
Name: Shiota Nagisa 
Desired School: Girls' High School 
Desired Career (1st Choice): Nurse 
Desired Career (2nd Choice): Maid 

"Nakamura! That's my future you're messing with!" He yells.

"Sorry but men's work just doesn't suit you." She grins cheekily, explaining,

Then, Karma walked up to him. "Hey, Nagisa! Which would you prefer Thailand or Morocco after graduation? I'm kinda partial towards Thailand myself." He said, smiling as he holds up two suspicious looking posters.

"Why do I feel like everyone's dead set on neutering me?" Nagisa sweatdropped.

"Careers, huh? why are w talking about this when the worlds on the verge of being destroyed." Sugino sighs.

Nagisa stares down at his hand. What do I want to be...

Watching quietly at the back of the room, (f/n) smiles quietly then helplessly stares at her paper... what a pain.


"So (f/n), have you decided on a career yet?" Korosensei asks after she stepped into the room.

"Well no... I don't really have a specialty." She mumbles fidgeting her fingers. "I'm pretty much good at everything, and that also means I'm passionate for nothing."

"ah... I see. In other words, you're the jack of all trades but master of none." Korosensei said as she nods.

"many other teachers had told me, 'with these academic achievements, you will have a bright future'... not really what I want to hear." (f/n) sighs. "so I thought, why not seek advice from a monster."

"well, what do you want out of life..." Korosensei suggests. "or what is it that you want to change in this society."


"Hey, Karma... why did you want to be a bureaucrat?" She asked. "doesn't really suit you..."

"because the current politicians are completely useless, 'if you want something done right do it yourself' isn't that what they say.." He smiles. "So? what about you?"

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