Part 25

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Day of the exam
(F/n) pov

I met up with Nagisa in the hallway and struck up a conversation along the way.

"Wow hard to believe you're early for once on a test day" Nagisa pointed out.

"When it comes to official tests like these it's best if you don't take makeups. Especially in this school..." I reasoned, just thinking about that room with the principal monitoring you the entire time send chills down my spine.


We encountered Rio along the way. "Well, Nagisa, (f/n), you ready for this?"
Nagisa scratched the back of his head, replying, "If what I studied is on there."
While I just shrugged, "did you even need to ask."
She immediately points her pencil case at Nagisa, scolding, "Stand up straight and be a man! You're aiming for the top in English!" Then pointed the pencil case at me. "And you better get the top spot the more points the better."

"This'll be rich!" Suddenly hearing a voice from the D Class classroom, we look back at the front.
"So you made a reckless bet with the A-Class, eh? Wonder what they'll make you do?"
But then Rio reaches out with two pens in her hand, and stick them into the one who is talking's nose, and bring it upwards, making his nose bleed.

It took a lot of self-control to not give them a bloodbath right then and there, good thing Rio made the first move.
"Looks like we're the first ones here!"

"Or not," I said pointing to a girl with light purple hair and a pig face that is sitting near the window.
"Who's that!?" They shout, syncing.

"Ritsu's proxy. We cant reveal an AI to on campus, so we settled on a stand-in, someone Ritsu had taught." Karasuma who appeared out of nowhere, crossing his arms. We look back in.
"Do you have any idea what it feels like to have the principal give you a pity-filled 'you've sure got it rough' look during those negotiations?" Karasuma continues, annoyed.

I coughed "welcome to my world"

They immediately bow down, shouting, "We're not worthy!" He looks at us, his features going back to his normal, stoic but still filled with warmth.
"Ritsu has a message for you, and so do I: Good luck."
He smiles, and we return it.
"Yes, sir!"

Third pov

We pass down the papers handed to us, every one of us nervous. Exams may each be taken separately, yet we still feel like we're in the same boat with of our classmates. And right now we're gladiators, within an arena. Those we fight beside, and those we fight against.

This is going to be much harder than the midterms...

Period 2: English

'Bring it on.' Seo (a big 5) thinks, looking at the other students who are being defeated.
There's no way any junior-high level stuff will make me falter now!
He quickly use his weapon, and out came his answer: "If you want to know the truth, I felt like slapping the cook's face a hundred times."

But it is not satisfied with this answer. It's not going down? What the? This could've been the answer key!
He starts to panic.
As Rio jumps up, attacking its head,
"Why so serious? Lighten up a little!" And her answer is this: "Honestly, I wanted to give that cook a hundred slaps in the face."
She jumps down, letting the monster behind her explode behind her.

A perfect score? From the E Class!? He thought, becoming nervous. Rio looks around, her grin still in place. "I'm guessing you never read 'The Catcher In The Rye."

(F/n) on the other hand with a bored expression, sat on a pile of dead monsters nearby with a katana in hand. Glancing towards the others spectating their battles.

Period 3: Science

"Ha! Science is all about memorization!" Koyama yells, waving his wand at the armored monster, but it doesn't take off its armor. Instead, it races towards him. "Huh? I can't get its armor off!" He said, barely escaping from its sword. "But I memorized this!"

He looks over to the side, and Okuda is riding a monster.
"Well you see...real science isn't any fun if it's just memorization." She said gently and gives it the answer. It takes off its armor and runs off, leaving a confused Koyama behind.

'That may be true, but you still need to memorize it.' (F/n) thought. As she gave her answer. The monsters started to shrink, as the armor fell off, as it no longer fits it.

Period 4: Social Studies

'How am I supposed to know how many times the Toyko International Conference on African Development has met!?' Araki thinks nervously, laying defeatedly on the ground.

Beside him, Isogai defeated the monster, the sword on his shoulder as he breathes out a sigh of relief. "That was close. Good thing I do know that."

"Isogai, how..." Araki exclaims, but Isogai only gives him a smile and replies, "Just a fluke. See, my family's pretty poor, and when I looked it up out of sympathy for Africa's poverty issues... I recently had an opportunity to go there !"

(F/n) only shook her head. History is so predictable. They always repeat the same mistakes... she dodged another attack. Every monster follows a pattern in there attack. So taking them out is easy.

Period 5: Japanese

"Spring has gone away and summer comes; it would seem from those white hemp robes laid to dry in the sunlight on Kahu's Heavenly Hill." Kanzaki swings her spear around, giving out the answer and defeats the monster.

"Your words are as lovely as you are! But a mere sliver of a satisfactory answer does not ace an exam!" Sakakibara said, facing his opponents.

(F/n) pov

Math should be an easy task. I'll end this. I grabbed a machine gun and went completely berserk. Fifteen minutes later, standing in the empty arena exhaling in satisfaction of my work.

According to my calculations, I should rank at least in the top 3... wonder how Karma is doing, then again he didn't really study... well he won't fail so I guess it still alright.

Finals ends

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