Part 38

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We will be infiltrating the place, surprise our enemy and steal the remedy.

  Third POV 

"It's too dangerous. Whoever we're up against is a real pro." Karasuma-sensei argued, and Koro-sensei reasoned, "Yes. Perhaps it would be wisest to simply hand me over. Unconditional surrender? What do you think? this decision is up to you."

"They'll plummet to their deaths before they even reach halfway up," Bitch-sensei said.

'She's right it's not worth the risk.'

Bzzz Bzzz "incoming call from home base" Ritsu informed. Home base?

"what are you guys doing standing around, time is wasting." A familiar voice was heard from the other side.


"surprise surprise I'm not dead yet. I have quite the immunity when it comes to food poisoning, but that doesn't mean I'll be healthy enough to help you physically. I'll support you from here. I suppose I am what you call an operator."

[a/n): her immunity comes from her being food poisoned by Karma as pranks. Referring to part 5].

"Tsk I should have known that won't faze you," Karma grumbled.

The whole class sweatdropped, "she was karate chopped to her neck how is she not in a concussion."

"What was that brother of mine, My awesomeness is too much?" She put the back of her hand on her head and feigned distress. "Ah yes, they should look lock me up and throw away the key"

[a/n) puts on a mask: her narcissistic side is showing again. Careful it's contagious.]

And irk mark appeared on his forehead, "Can I please kill her"

[a/n): (reading a manga not paying attention) huh? ...Uh... sure. (Still reading manga)


"Anyway back on track, you guys hurry and get up that cliff, I feel like they're close to death's doors. I'll have Ritsu do the honors of explaining everything once you get to the top." (F/n) hanged up.

"Come on, what are we scared of it's just a ledge." Isogai started climbing. The rest of the class started following his example. As expected of the class rep.

Isogai looked back toward the teachers "See we can handle this, now whoever is waiting at the top maybe a different story. So, Mr. K, it will be nice if you can come with. We need a commander."

"Yeah let's show them what it means to mess with E-class," Terasaka added.

"Clearly these are no ordinary teenagers have a 15 member special forces unit at your backend call," Koro-sensei told him.

"Hey hey don't forget me, with me it's 16." (F/n) yelled through the phone.

[a/n): I should give her more screen time]

"Hurry and choose time is of the essence" Karasuma hesitated. "Alright listen up when we reach the summit our objective is the hotel top floor this is a stealth infiltration so our best weapon os the element of surprise."

He continued, "I want you to use the same hand signals we've been drilling in P.E. You got 3 minutes to memorize the map and terrain we commence at 5."

"Yes sir" the class salutes.

"Don't get left behind!" Okano shouts, "the last one up is a rotten egg."
"Okano sure can move." Kimura mused, and Isogai agrees. "Yeah—she got us beat in this kind of thing. Whereas with our teachers...only one of the three of 'em can move."  Looking down they see Karasuma and Ms. Bitch arguing like a married couple.

"Too shaky! Climb more carefully! Ugh! Karasuma!" Ms. Bitch yells scaredly.

[a/n): ...Ms. Bitch? Aren't you an assassin!?]

She just screams at Karasuma, "Shut up and climb already! My hands are getting tired!"

[a/n): from what exactly
sorry since (f/n) isn't here I feel like I'm obligated to roast everything.]

"Why did Bitch-sensei come again?" Chiba asks.

"She didn't want to stay back and feel left out." Kataoka replies, and Terasaka said, "Just ditch her I mean she is just extra luggage."

"shut up I'm light as a feather." Ms. Bitch retorted.

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