Part 17

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3 outs. game over, A-class wins and now for the exhibition games. E-class vs the baseball team.

Only the chosen ones get bragging rights, on the field and in the classrooms remember that but whatever good luck. Shindo said looking down on Sugino.

You better not let the 'twin sadist' of our class hear you say that or you'll be digging your own grave.

"Come to think of it, where's Coach Koro? I thought he was going to give us directions."

Nagisa points over to the outer field, "He's over there. Karasuma-sensei told him not to draw attention to himself, so he's using forced perspective to look like one of the balls. And he'll signal us with the color of his face and stuff."

"Like that's not going to give him away!"We all looked at koro sensei as he gave us his first orders.

One (light green)! Two (Purple)! Three (Orange)!

One (light green)! Two (Purple)! Three (Orange)!

"What's he saying?" When Nagisa is searching for the words. He said, 'Win like you're going to kill them.'"The boys smile, and Isogai looks over at them, "That's true, we're after a much bigger target. If we can't win against these guys, we'll never be able to kill our teacher."

"Let's win it!" Sugino shouts, and everyone pumps their fists in the air. In the far, far corner, Koro-sensei laughs. "Now, let's them have a taste of what I like to call assassination baseball."

Now, top of the first inning! E Class on the offensive.

Batter number one, third baseman, Kimura!

Kimura doesn't have enough time to react as Shindo's fastball flies past him. Everyone immediately cheers. Looking over at Koro-sensei, he gives out another signal to Kimura. "All right! Here we go!" He shouts.

"Now, here's Shindo second fastball! And he throws! Whoa! A bunt hit! That went in a nice direction for him!"

Batter number two, catcher Shiota.

After looking at Koro-sensei's signal, he nods and puts on his helmet. Then he gives a push bunt, making the ball bounce away. When Shindo reaches it, Nagisa is already safely on first base. The audience is starting to get restless.


"Pitcher Koro throws 300 kilometers per hour pitches!"

"Infielder Koro lays down an impregnable defense with clones!"

"Catcher Koro destroys your focus by whispering trash-talk."

After just those few sentences of his, the boys are all on the ground while I am sitting in the grass, "Next up, we observe our opponents. I had Takebayashi spy on them for the last three days."

Takebayashi, who is holding a computer in his hands. He pushes up his glasses, "Shindo's pitches top out at 140.5 kilometers per hour. The fastball and the curveball are all he has. Even during practice matches, 90 percents of his pitches were fastballs."

"With his fastballs, that's all he needs to win at the junior high level," Sugino explains.

"Yes! Put another way, we've got this is the bag as long as we have that fastball down cold. So! For our practice from here on out, I'll throw the same pitches Shindo throws with the exact same form and throw extra slow, just like Shindo does."

End of Flashback

"It's a fair ball! It's come to a dead stop right on the line! Batter number three, Isogai, is safe! Th-The bases are loaded!" The announcer's voice said unbelievably.

We are winning easily. Too easily.

When Sugino goes into the bunting stance, Shindo freezes under his gaze. Sure, we are lose to him in terms of sheer power. But with a well-aimed strike, even the weak can take on a gigantic power and bring it..."Down!" Sugino shouts hitting the ball.

He quickly runs over to the third base.

"It's a triple that's cleared the bases! Wh-What the heck is this? This isn't how it's supposed to go. E Class has scored the first three runs of the game."

Chairman Asano came over him talking, making the baseball coach falls down instantly. So he finally decided to show up.

"Top of the first inning and the final boss already makes his appearance?" Maehara grins, and Araki said, "According to the information I just received, Terai-sensei, the advisor of the baseball club, had been gravely I'll since before the match, and the players were so worried for their sensei that their hearts were not in the game! The principal could not stand by and do nothing, so it seems he will be taking charge immediately!"

Everyone else immediately cheers. So this is his game. By making the instructor filled with fear and falls down, unable to do anything else, he will take over and use his manipulation skills to teach us a lesson through the baseball club.

Every player of the club is defending the infield, but the referee doesn't say anything, probably on their side.

E-class is in a pinch with koro sensei not having any advice to give.

1 out!

Karma's POV

I stand over at the left field, watching Chairman Asano manipulate Shindo. What is he planning? Just then, something shows up at my feet, looking down, I sweat drop, "Don't show up right at my feet, Coach Koro. Unless You want to get stepped on?"

He laughs, "The next inning begins with you first up to bat. How about we try shaking things up with some provocation from you?" Ah, so you want me to do that, eh?

When it is my turn to bat, I stand over there, waiting for the umpire to call for me to go to my position. "What are you doing? Hurry up and get in the batter's box." He commanded.

I look over to the chairman, shouting, "Hey principal never peg you to be the type to play dirty. if the rules haven't changed then this ain't legal. They're taking up defensive positions that clutter up the field and the umpire hasn't given them any warnings. Aw, com'on do you smell a rat or what, oh nevermind you guys are morons baseball is like a foreign language to you." I turned around sticking out my tongue.

The crowd immediately goes angry, just as I expected."Quit whining about the little things, E Class!"

"It's an exhibition game! Quit trying to dispute the defense!"

"If you've got a problem, then show us you can produce real results!"

Don't think it's working, Coach.

He then gives me a circle, letting me know that it's fine. But how?

"Well then, why don't we play just as dirty." looking over to spot my sister wearing a baseball uniform and cap smirking towards the principal.

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