Part 33

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Third pov

One week until our assassination vacation to the island.
Our entire class has gotten together to train for it and to put our plans in order. So everyone are now currently in the field, practicing shooting and stabbing.

When Bitch-sensei suddenly said, "Well, well! I see you little brats are working up a good sweat. Summer vacation not withstanding."

"You train, too, Bitch-sensei. Your gun and knife skills aren't that much better than ours." Mimura argued.

But she just smirked, "Grownups are sneaky. I'll hitch a ride on your strategy and only take away the best parts." She suddenly stiffens up and the E Class look behind her.
"That's my Irina." Lovro said darkly. Bitch-sensei turns around, yelling, "L-Lovro, sir!"

"He's here as a special instructor for the summer. He'll give us tips on our strategy from a pro's perspective." Karasuma explains, and Lovro continues looking at Bitch-sensei, saying, "Rest one day and your fingers and arms forget about killing. If you don't want to flunk out, hurry up and get changed!" His voice raises, and Bitch-sensei immediately stands up, saluting to him military style. "Yes, absolutely!" She yells while running away.

"Even Bitch-sensei can't say no to him." Sugaya said, and Maehara mumbles, "Yeah, well, he's one scary dude."

"Thank you for your cooperation." Karasuma said calmly, and Lovro replies, "Unfortunately, I couldn't contact the assassins who'd shown the most promise."

"Were they scared off, knowing that even the pros had failed?"

"Perhaps. Now all we can do is leave it up to them. Now, he's not here today; is that correct?" Lovro asks, while Bitch-sensei arrives behind him in a gray sports outfit, sulking.

"Yes. He'd had a trip to Everest planned. So he's there now, beating the heat."

"Good. A confidential strategy is essential." Lovro takes the assassination strategy from Nagisa's hands, reading through it quickly.

"I see. First we destroy the nine promised tentacles, then the entire class immediately jumps in to finish him off. So far, so good..., but what's this very first step: 'psych attacks'?" He asked, pointing at the first picture. "First we throw him off, blunting his moves." Nagisa starts, and Maehara joins in the conversation. "Koro-sensei was scavenging for dirty magazines earlier. And he gave us each an ice pop. As if that'd be enough to keep our mouths shut!"
He suddenly yells, and then Terasaka's gang synced, "Lets all teach him a lesson he wont soon forget!"

"First we'll corner him with that blackmail material—and more." Nagisa said calmly, and Lovro sweat drops. A brutal assassination plan, indeed! He quickly turns serious, and explains, "But the key is that final, killing blow. Pinpoint timing and accurate aim will be crucial."

"Are you worried about this class's firepower?" Karasuma questioned, and Lovro grins. "Just the opposite. Those two in particular are outstanding."

"Chiba Ryunosuke. He excels at spatial calculations. As a long-distance sniper, he's second to none. Hayami Rinka has a nice balance of dexterous fingers and kinetic visual acuity. She's a soldier who's well equipped to take down a moving target. Neither is very assertive—they're the professional type; their results do the talking."

"Hmm. I want them as my own students." Lovro mumbles, looking up.  "The others are at a respectable level as well. Their talents have been identified and well nurtured in such a short time. I see plenty of potential here."

Suddenly a chill went up his spine and his instincts took over as he retreated a few feet back from his attacker, standing on his original position.

(F/n) pov

Training is boring and listening to our plan of attack isnt any better.

Though i am curious to how good a
so-called pro is like. I took an anti sensei knife and struck him, but to no avail as he dodged. My knife is currently stuck on to the floor.

"Aww man its stuck." I raised my head after struggling to get the knife out of the ground. "Sorry i was just curious, and tested your ability." I smiled. "As expected of a pro. you're good."

"Hmm not bad" Lovro praised me. "But a word of advice before sneaking up on your next target suppress your intent a little more."

"Mkay" i walked away twirling the blade in my hand.

Lovro pov

Something about her intent throws me off.

I walked up to Karasuma, "that girl, she has blood on her hands."


(A/n): dun dun dun

Editor: cue dramatic music and lighting

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