Something no one asked for

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(A/n): alright here the deal i ask question and you guys will answer them.

(F/n): this is so stupid
(A/n): there's food
(F/n): ...
Karma: *muffled laughter*

Gakushu: why am i here as well
(A/n): i ask the questions not you

Question 1: what do you think of your parents.

Karma: mom is cool, she's also smart...
(F/n): gave me this beautiful face
Both: father is a piece of *censored*

Gakushu: ...

Question 2: what do you want in your significant others?

(F/n): bleh romance *gags*
Karma: pfft
(F/n) just glared at him

Gakushu: well i know what i dont want in a partner.

Editor: ok time to test your maturity

Question 3: when do you plan on losing your virginity?

(A/n): woah that escalated quickly
Editor: i was curious

(F/n): blushed
Gakushu: also blushed

(F/n): after marriage
Gakushu: after marriage

Karma: so obvious you guys are virgins.

(F/n) and Gakushu: thats rich coming from you

Question 4: preferred genre of music. 

(F/n): i hate these questions.
Karma: anything is fine.

Gakushu: ones that help me concentrate and not kill my ears
(F/n): i now know what to play for your funeral.

(A/n): i like any songs that is not overrated. (I'm looking at you, that song thats played over and over again)

Question 5: if murder wasn't a sin and you will never be punished for this act what would you do?

(F/n): that got dark

Karma: whoever irritates me even the slightest is dead.
Gakushu: i rather not dirty my hands
(F/n): 90% percent of the population in this area would be eliminated by me.

(A/n): i think I'll be the first to die if murder is allowed

Question 6: Weapon of choice: pick one of each, melee and range? 

(F/n): easy. Katana and a sniper rifle with unlimited amo.
Karma: a scythe and anything with good accuracy.

Gakushu: what is wrong with you two

(F/n) shrugs: it's light and snipers can kill without being spotted unless you're a complete amateur.

(A/n): a dagger is better in my opinion and its light. I hate guns or any modern weapon. Too flashy.

Gakushu: oh that's right i forgot the author is crazy too.

Question 7: what's your choice of death.

(F/n): does fade count
Karma shrugs: with no regrets

Gakushu: in my sleep...
(F/n) lift up her weapon of choice
Gakushu: ...of old age
(F/n) pouts

(A/n): (f/n) control yourself.

Question 8: any ideas you believe in?

(F/n): well i like Confucianism
Gakushuu: the Chinese ethical system?
(F/n): yeah, the ideas are all morally correct.
Karma shrugs.

Question 9: where do you spend your free time.

Gakushu: studying somewhere
(F/n): library or video games
Karma: whatever i want

Question 10: define the term genius.

(F/n): me
Karma: narcissist much
(F/n): i am the very definition of genius

(A/n): let see...
photographic memory.
knowledge that defies logic,
best among her age,
IQ of over 200.

Yep she's right.

(F/n): i dont wear glasses

Gakushu: ... is she that good

Editor: quite the mary sue if you ask me.

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