Part 68

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"you may come back in now Asano," The principal called his son back into his office.

What the boy witnessed upon walking in the room was horrific. The other members of the Big Five swallowed up by their hatred awakened by the monster stood before him.

"What have you done," He growled.

"Simply fanned the flames of their hatred, no more. A few words are all it takes, a few whispered truth to unravel your absurd ideas of strength." The principal replies. "My philosophy as you call it, teaches one far less fragile. Incidentally, I'll be handling the end of terms myself."

Gakushu gasped at his father's announcement.

"in the absence of the weak, strength has no meaningful foil, let us go back to square one."


Quite angry he storms out of the principal's office, outside awaits another troublesome entity. (f/n) leaned against the wall reading a book at an inhuman speed. She glanced up and fixed her eyes on the student council president.

"what do you want." He growls.

"I should be the one saying that to you." She closed her book loudly. "you have something to say to me don't you."

He didn't answer, instead continues to walk past her. After he is nowhere in sight, her expression saddens, "tsk, idiot..."


"Now as you know for the first-term midterms, I gave you all the objective of placing in the top fifty. My apologies for that, I was too impatient for results, nor did I take into account how gifted your opponent was. That said things are different now. You've matured in mind and spirit. I'm confident the goal I set for you will be within reach, whatever the opposition has in store. This time you'll place in the top 50, win your tickets back to the main campus, and head held high, proudly graduate fro E-class once and for all." Korosensei said.

"you make it sound so easy," Sugino sighs. "A-Class has a new teacher to help them prep—and you won't believe who it is."

So the principal has finally made his move on the chess board, huh? (f/n) thought twirling a lock of her hair through her fingers.

"So we've come to that, have we." Koro-sensei mumbles. 

"Bad luck for them, who wants to be brainwashed by that creep am I right?" Mimura said leaning back on his chair. "you guys know what I'm talking about, the way he can trap you with that steely-eyed glare, and his teaching methods are hardcore, you can't even move at Mach 20."

"If he's the one prepping them for exams; they probably already lost the will to defy it."


"What are you doing in front of my house." Gakushu glares at (f/n) who seems to be everywhere.

"I can't believe you lowered your pride and actually bowed your head down to my classmates." (f/n) gave him a knowing smile. "I guess being kicked out of the class and being powerless to help your classmates from that father of yours really did a number on you."

"you didn't answer my question." He said walking through his gate.

"Between your father and my brother's ego, I want to see your mental state." (f/n) answered as he turns around to see her smile a little bit. "you seem to have more fire in your eyes than ever, I'll be looking forward to the end result of the exams."

"Oh, almost forgot, here." She threw something at him, which he caught. "use it, it's been confirmed to help improve memory."

"Such a weird girl," He looks down at the gum in his hands. "Who's side is she one?"

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