Part 70

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"A drama festival!?" Everyone shouts in surprise.

"We're about to take high-school entrance exams"

"I know, I know," Isogai said. "I did complain to the student council, but Asano fired back."

"Let me guess he said something along the lines of, 'What's the problem? memorizing lines and stage directions are a good mental exercise, it's part of the curriculum." (f/n) mocked, poorly imitating his voice.

"yes, word for word." Isogai nodded. "how did-"

"I planted a bug in that council room." She shrugs.

Karma suddenly spoke up smiling, "you can be the female lead Nagisa, just throwing it out there" he holds up a board that had the title 'Sada Abe: This Is Mine' on it.'

"why do I get a bad feeling about this," Nagisa sweatdrops.

"What about you, Kayano? The preschoolers adored you, you had them at the edge of their seats." Kanzaki suggests.

"um? I don't kn—" She starts to reject, but Tersaka scoffs, "that ain't gonna cut it in junior high. People need to relate to the main character, you're too short."

"shut up" Kayano threw a bag at his face to retort his teasing. "I rather handle the props anyway."

"Right, then our main crew; Mimura will direct, and Hazama will write, naturally. Any thoughts for our leads..." Isogai asks for suggestions, then Koro-sensei joins in, "You know I'm available."

Immediately, everyone starts shooting bullets at him.

"You're supposed to stay a state secret!"

"This is our play; no adults allowed!"

"B-But I'll make a phenomenal lead! This is my one and only shot, you can't deny me the limelight!!" He protests as he dodges the attacks.

"Alright then, I have a play," Hazama smiles. "one where you can be the lead without upstaging us. Everybody's happy."

Koro-sensei's smile and turns pink with excitement.

"Great, sounds like a plan."

"Let's put on a show, the like of which those main campus chumps have never seen."

The day of the drama festival...

"E-class goes on next," one of the D-class remarked.

"I'd say we eat loudly and sneer through the entire performance." his dorky friend said, biting into his food noisily.

The light shuts off in the school hall, and then a single spotlight shines on Koro-sensei, whose head is shaped like a peach.

"A peach," Ritsu said darkly. Another light turns on, shining upon a white-haired Kanzaki sitting in a kneeling position.

"The greatest medical minds are baffled, but by some strange miracle there's a baby growing inside." Kanzaki narrates.

Then Sugino appeared in purple lighting with the sinister look of greed on his face.

"upon hearing this the old man's eyes lit up. Excellent he thought, this peach will bring riches"

"what a stroke of luck; a miracle indeed." Sugino stood up and yells with glee. "People will pay good money to this peach, they'll come from far and wide I'll be richer than any king."

But his joy was cut short as Kanzaki puts a paper down in front of him.

"Divorce papers. The old woman had been thinking of leaving him for some time his greed, choice of words and complete disregard for child welfare decided her... at long last, she had enough of his selfish nature. The marriage was over, for good."

In the background, blue sparkling substance starts flowing down behind them.

"the rift between them was as wide as the river in which she washed his clothes for over thirty years without thanks or acknowledgment. The atmosphere at home has become as dry and as suffocating as the smoke from the mountain wildfire."

"the peach rightfully belongs to me. I am the head of this household, do you understand woman, I'll decide how to divide our property." Sugino shouts.

Kataoka and Takebayashi made their appearance standing next to Kanzaki in a suit.


"We'll represent your wife from here on out. Any and all communication must be handled through our office directly."  Takebayashi explains pushing up his glasses.

"Regarding the miracle peach... since this marriage has technically been in the rocks for over a decade, we're way past the mandated cutoff date for carving up your combined assets," Kataoka said coldly. "oh and fair warning, our client is seeking reparations for emotional distress."

"For thirty years, she bore her husbands cruelty, his disinterest. Not only had he consistently fail to bring home the bacon, but the old woman also possesses incontrovertible evidence of his infidelity. In court, he wouldn't have a prayer."

Then a photo of a gang, who are Terasaka, Yoshida, and Muramatsu, with weapons in hand, making hideous faces.

"In desperation, he hired a band of thugs to strong-arm her, but being incompetent they were hauled off by police."

They come up out on to the stage in chains, being carried off by polices, then the lights turn off. Turning back on moments later with a happy Kanzaki still sitting next to the peach and loads of the blue sprinkles spread on the ground in front of her.

"The old woman shed her misery and started over, she gave the miracle peach pride of place in her lovely new home. Life was sweet as it had been in her youth, happiness and serenity surrounded her."

Kanzaki takes a handful of the sprinkles, stands up and joyfully throws them into the air. Ending the scene once again leaving the stage in complete darkness. The light comes back on with Sugino holding a whip in hand with Maehara, Okajima, and Itona dressed as creatures in front of him, eating.

"A dog. A monkey. A pheasant... an unlikely trio, trained to attack human beings, devouring their food and obeying it's master's evil commands. All these human greed had driven the old man to unspeakable evil. Perhaps the fabled demon haunted island of Onigashima is none other than the human heart. the miracle peach will soon bear its child, will it too fall prey to demons"

The play ends with Koro-sensei's evil laugh, echoing through the hall as the light fades. The audience was left dumbstruck. They start yelling, throwing things onto the stage.

"Great my appetite is totally ruined!"

"say what you will about my writing style, words lave an unmistakable mark." Hazama laughed.

At the back of the auditorium, Gakushu grits his teeth frustratingly. "What the hell did I sit through" He murmurs, angry.

"you should be glad it wasn't me who wrote the play." (f/n) poped out, making him drop his chopsticks. "My story would be a mystery, where the main character has a case about a murderer who stores his victims chopped up corpses in the fridges of their loved ones."

Gakushu slowly moves away from her with wide eyes as she lets out a mischievous giggle. Her sharp glare slowly lands on him which shook him to his core.

"Not that you still have the appetite..." She suddenly laughs and hands him new chopsticks. "Don't worry I won't do anything like that to you..."

He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.



Lol you troll.

Poor Asano.

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