Part 62

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"Isogai! It's about that time!" Karma smiles, dodging from the grasp of two guys effortlessly.

Isogai stands up, agreeing, "Yep! So far, it's all according to plan!"

"What!?" Asano choked as he was ambushed from his blindspot.

"What an unexpected turn of event, bet you never saw that coming." (f/n) gasps. "The two we all thought were taken out of commission, came back strong and kicking."

Yoshida grins, "We practiced taking blows till we were blue in the face."

"but the hardest part was acting like we were dead." Muramatsu continues.

"Right. We're done running! E-class: Go Sonic!" Isogai yells, and everyone runs out, and towards Asano.

"While everyone was focused on what in the frontlines, the two who faked injuries from E-class left the fields, regrouped and sneaked in from the outside! By using the element of surprise, they rushed the A Class's main unit!" (f/n) smirked through the microphone. "Only an idiot would take their eyes off an opponent's vanguard."

"Hey, who side are you on."

"now then back to the battlefield." (f/n) shouted ignoring all the hate. "E-class is all up in his face, what is Asano's next move."

"There may not be many of us, but it only takes one to reach the top..." Yoshida said, but then Asano takes off his helmet, grabs Yoshida's arm, twisting it and flings him away. Then Asano jumps up, supporting himself on the top of the pole and kicks Muramatsu off.
"Don't tell me he knows martial arts, too!?" Karasuma asks astonished.

Isogai narrowed his eyes at his fallen teammates, then faced Asano, who is on the top of the pole. "We're standing on the same stage you and I. Surely you're prepared to get kicked off." Asano glared down at Isogai dangerously.

"What an amazing display of abilities. Even with all their ingenious methods, E-class just can't seem to catch a break." (f/n) said. "Asano truly is the final boss of A-class."

"Uh-oh, they're closing in." Rinka pointed out from the stands. "At this rate, they'll be surrounded."

"Make no mistake Asano is a fearsome leader, who can singlehandedly decide the tide of the battle. So long as they follow his command, A-Class can't lose." Isogai dodges every blow Asano delivers, but ultimately got kicked down. "Isogai, you likely will never become that kind of leader. But fortunately, you don't need to, for you are not alone."

Isogai got up, this time he knelt to the ground on one knee. Using himself as a stand, the defensive team suddenly turned to the offensive, launching them toward Asano. This attack caused Asano to lose a great deal in footing.

"The E-class offensive has called in reinforcements."

"What the hell! Isn't that their defensive unit? Which means... they only have two guys left on the pole!!"

"how are they even holding them down?."

"A little thing called leverage," Takebayashi replies, pushing up his glasses.

The whole school turned dumbfounded. "Leverage? oh right, physics and stuff."

(F/n) on the other hand fell off her chair, dying from laughter. Completely neglecting her role as the commentary.

"nice one man," Terasaka grins. "They're all buying that answer."

"It's a stall, of course. We can't really hold them all back." Takebayashi smiles slyly. "But these poor souls won't dare do anything without orders. Good thing your boss still has an ace up his sleeve... Of course, in times like these, it's best to wait and see then take the initiative, right?"

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