Part 75

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"Merry Xmas" Before any of them could reply, Korosensei rapidly changed everyone from red and white Santa outfits to festive yukata. Multi-colored for the girls and neutral colors for the boys. "Happy New Year out with the old and in with the new. That's right boys and girls, throw yourself into the study and of course assassination. With renewed vigor."

He then pulled out a kotatsu out of nowhere, "now, time to laze the day away."

where's he going with all this.

"Oh, I get what's going on. You're trying to cram all the fun times you missed out over the winter break into February." Fuwa, our genius detective skillfully deducted. "Is that what this is."

"Precisely." Korosensei cried in the corner. "Our only winter break together and not one of you came to visit. Course I knew you were worried about me trying your hardest to find a solution. Which is why it didn't seem proper to invite anyone over. But still~"

"Nothing really interesting happened during the break anyway." (f/n) waved dismissively. "I mean all I did was become the number one hero Hokage of the Soul Society, then using ZA WARUDO to slay Muzan, the Emporer of Universe 7, while also on a quest to find the one piece."

"seems kinda weird to be all bummed out about it now," Yoshida said after using every brain cell in his non-existant brain, to comprehend what she just said and still gave up in the end.

"water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned, we'll simply reclaim the time we lost by having all the fun at once." Korosensei beamed.

"Living life to the fullest, Korosensei is the same as we know him as dire as our situation is. Still, it's already February... March is just around the corner. 32 days that all we have.


"So? what are your sights set on for next year." Nagisa asked Karma.

"hm... I think I'll stay at Kungigaoka." He replied.

"You're gonna subject yourself to the entrance exam all over again," Sugino said surprises.

"seems kinda low profiled," Kayano added. "With your grades, you can get into any school you want."

"Put yourself in the shoes of the kids on the main campus." Karma smirks. "The guy they thought was exiled is suddenly back, looming head and shoulders above 'em all." He laughed at the very thought. "What could be sweeter then sailing by on an ocean full of humiliated faces for three whole years."

"I agree, there are tons of decent schools out there if all you care about is your grades. Unlike the rest of this planet's population, I can get near-perfect scores on almost anything." (f/n) said hopping down from a nearby tree. "Besides what I want out of high school, is my place on the Zeroth seat, and with my two rivals"

"that's a winning personality you both got." Nagisa sweatdropped.

"What about you guys, got anywhere in mind." (f/n) asked.

All three nodded.

"Guess we're all going our own separate ways"


"hey did you guys also get the Korosensei's over the top cheer squad," Sugino said looking as if he wants to crawl into a hole and never come out.

"Yeah" they all answered equally exhausted from it.

"Hey has anyone seen (f/n)?" Karma asked.

Everyone at once nodded, "yeah she was taking the same entrance exam as me." After speaking they turned to each other absolutely confused. "Wait, what?"

"oh, I see what's going on." He then facepalmed himself. "she stayed no more than 10 minutes right?"

"Yeah." they blinked once, finally understanding what's going on. "don't tell me."

Suddenly a laugh all too familiar invaded every eardrum within the classroom. "That's right, I did what no one has ever dared attempt before." She came in kicking down the door, the only obstacle between her and the room. All dramatic, "For one whole day I was like the Flash, I was here and there and also here. I took every entrance exam I could get my name registered in. Then coming in and finishing each test within 10 minutes before leaving for the next."

"Aren't I just awesome." (f/n) smugly boasts.

"Are you sure she isn't a gag character," Fuwa asked. "Cause no matter how overpowered she is there is just no way to logically explain this."

"don't worry Fuwa this is just filler. Anything we do in between right now won't be canon to the fanfic." (f/n) shrugs. "see? the door I just broke is now fixed." She said completely forgetting about her deal with the psychic, Saiki K.

"Then I would like to-" Fuwa started but was rudely interrupted by (f/n).

"sorry that's all the time we have for this extra, back to the original plot."


"It's Valentine's Day what's wrong with hoping someone would give me chocolate," Okajima whined feeling wronged as Kataoka just labeled him a pervert.

"suit yourself I'm off to the main campus. There's sure to be something interesting going on over there." (f/n) jumped through the window and down the mountain.

"wow," (f/n) almost fell over splitting her sides, laughing so hard at the scene in front of her. School had just ended and everyone had already headed towards cram school so the entire building is empty. Well almost, the ones that don't need the extra studies stayed behind.

One of them is the student council president, Gakushu who just finished and is by his locker. Struggling to collect all the letters and chocolate that scattered around his locker, desk and various other places.

"Well someone is popular." (f/n) decides to reveal herself.

"And you," he turned around after throwing out all the letters in the trash. "shouldn't invade someone's vision."

She raised a brow after glancing into the trash. "that was rude."

"With the entrance exams, I don't have time or these tedious things." He frowned.

"I wonder how many hearts you've broken with that one move. Are there any guys that suddenly want to confess their forbidden love for you?" She teased then turned her attention towards his second pile, which is full of chocolates. "If you don't want those may I have them."

"I thought you hate candy with a passion." He suddenly recalled before allowing her to take them.

"Well duh, do you have any idea what the raw ingredients for those disgusting colorful things, humans call candy. blegh." (f/n) grimaced at the thought. "Chocolate, on the other hand, is universal. And it's medicine."

"Without all that sugar, sure." Gakushu rolled his eyes. "One of these days you'll wake up with diabetes."

"I'll call you when that happens 20 years from now." (f/n) laughed. "Oh almost forgot," she reached into her pockets, handing something to him. "have fun eating it."

"What am I even suppose do with this," Gakushu asked looking down at the cocoa beans in his hands.

"Picked straight from a cocoa tree from somewhere someplace." (f/n) laughed before leaving the room with her newly obtained stack of chocolate.

"Is this even edible?" He shook his head after scrutinizing over it for a while then put it into his bag.


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