part 5

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"Hey, hows class," I asked
"What are you my mom" he replied

I rolled my eyes and continued to read my manga.

"Oi, it's your turn to cook dinner" I screamed from across the house.

Ding, I have a message
It's from our teacher
He sent me all my homework and test dates.
And a bunch of pictures labeled 'stuff that happened in school while you were absent' among the the pictures was the most hilarious thing ever;
Karma was wearing a pink apron.

I think I died trying to hold in my laughter, and quickly ran into my room and started to hook up my phone with my computers to save that precious picture, and add it to a bunch of back up memory storage labeled blackmail.

Half an hour later

"What were you doing"

I smirked and took out my phone to show him the picture
"So tell me what happened"

"What the how did you, when did you?"

"Koro-sensei sent it to me and don't even bother trying to delete it" I smirked.

"Argh you won't get away from this"

"I think I just did," I said as I took a bite of my food. I believed my face turned green as I dropped my spoon, and I ran for the sink and threw up.

In the background, I heard Karma laughing. I sat back down glaring at him, Karma gave me another set of food.

"You were saying" he smirked.

"That was dirty" giving him the evil eye.

"I suppose you can say its instant karma"

"I guess now I don't need to watch out for my food since you can only mess with the food once a month" I stated.

"Yeah but I had a bad day so I decided now would be a good time"

"I see..."

"By the way what did you do after you left" he questioned.

"I went to work"

"You sure you're allowed to do that?"

"Yep, managed to get the principal's approval"

"You blackmailed him didn't you"

"No....I talked him into letting me have a job.... besides it's not like its the first time". "So what happened today you know the picture" trying to change the subject.

Karma having a sudden interest in his food stated, "you know this food is really good (f/n), if you don't start eating I'll be taking it off your plate"

"Don't ignore my question"

He went for your food, you quickly covered it with one arm, and with your other arm you went into defensive cat mode, and hissed at him.

"Gee fine, you win... But you know you should eat a little less"

"I need this much food, if I don't eat this much I won't be able to have enough energy" I flexed my nonexistent muscles.

"Energy for what beating up gangs or teachers or anyone who pisses you off"


Pointing at your plate which is filled to the brim, "and won't eating that much every day, a little much, keep this up you'll be fat."

At this point you had it, you slowly stand up, while giving him the death stare you started counting.

"5..." you started counting down to his demise.





Calm down


He started to run


You grabbed the nearest thing (which happens to be the chair you were sitting) and chased him outside.

Authors note: so whats the lesson of the day guys?

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