Extra Storyline: Dreamrealm

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"Where?" Gakushu sat up and looked around confused. He remembers going to sleep and now upon 'waking', he finds himself in a garden next to a pond full of koi fish.

At this time he can think of three scenarios.
-(f/n) put something in his drink and he's hallucinating
- this is another one of the twin's elaborate prank
-(f/n) finally killed him in his sleep and this is heaven

He flinched when he felt a sudden foreign presence. "Who?"

"Behind you." The voices spoke.

He turned around and standing before him is an alluring woman, familiar yet not. She possesses red hair and donned a black kimono. Her eyes as dark as the void.

"My, you two must've had lots of fun if you're able to see me now." She giggles covering her mouth with a sleeve.

"Who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious by now?" The woman smiles. "I'm the mother of those twins."

"I thought their mom was dead."

"Oh make no mistake, I am dead."

"But you are... here?"

"yes." she nodded.

"Does that mean I'm dead?"

"Oh no." She burst out laughing. "Of course you're no dead." She spread out her arms, "Think of this as a dream. I'm honestly not too sure how you're able to see me but if I have to guess I'd say it because of your physical relationship with my daughter."

He averted his eyes immediately.

She watched amused by his embarrassment. How can she not tease him?

"So are you thinking of making (f/n) bear your children?" She asked causing the other to choke into a fit of cough. "I do hope to be a grandmother soon." She continues to enjoy herself as she teases her son-in-law, watching him turn redder and redder.

"Alright, I'll stop teasing you now." She waved her hands.

"I can see where (f/n) gets her personality from." Gakushu glanced at her.

"Of course, she learned from the best."

"So everything (f/n) said about you invading her dreams is true?" He asks.

"Pretty much, we have a round, and the winner gets to have a little fun." She smirks, waving her hand and out appears a kotatsu table along with a game of Chinese Go. "Care to join?"


"Oh, I lost..." Gakushu said disheartened.

"You know, I thought you'd be more upset over your loss."

"When you have someone like (f/n) as your wife, losing is pretty much a daily occurrence." He shrugs.

"My condolences, although I might be partially responsible for that." She hums. "Losing to me every night might've made your marriage a living hell."

"I dont mind being an outlet for her frustration, and losing isn't that big of a deal. (What are you a saint?) As long as I don't lose to Karma." Gakushu said. "Besides I won her heart, did I not?"

"Oh my, when did you become such a romantic."

"I'm not." He scowls. "She can't hear this conversation right?"

"She can if I let her, but then I'd lose my teasing materials." She smiles. "If she knows that's how you think of her, her ego will become unbearable."

"I see that you're just as horrible as (f/n)."He sighs.

"Are you sure that's what you want to say to the person who's about to serve you your penalty for losing the game." She raised a brow.

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