Part 49

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"Hey, guys I think she's awake."
They rushed over to her bedside.

(F/n) slowly opened her eyes and looked around, "you guys... stayed?"

They nodded their heads, reassuringly and smiled.

"Well, you kind of saved Nagisa's life (f/n)."

"Are you okay."

"Ah... the thing is right now, I'm currently not (f/n)." (F/n) eyes changed colors. "You are such kind friends, this girl is extremely slow when it comes to human emotions. Tsk tsk." She shook her head. "Hmmm?!"

The whole class is gaping at her statement.

"What! Did I say something wrong." '(F/n)' asked.

"Mother this is a very delicate topic. Your existence defies all logic. There puny little brains can't handle it." He spoke earning death glares from his peers.

"Oh, and how are you any different Karma. I remember sharing this news to you as well and you didn't take it any better." She shifted her gaze towards our teacher. "Plus his existence is a defiance of logic as well"

"Korosensei, teacher of class E how do you do?" He greeted.

"I'm fine, thank you." She smiled then turned serious.
"(F/n), as you probably heard has a very troubling past. And I am the cause of that, directly or indirectly." She sighs "and to be frank, I really don't trust any of you."
She coldly glares at them, before they turn back to its original color (gold).


"Do you guys understand what she meant by her statement."

"the author is just trying to make an excuse to make this situation more complicated than it originally planned," Karma suggests.

"Did you hit your head too hard or something."

"No, our mother has a weird way of doing things. Believe it or not (f/n) think of all of you as friends but now you know her past and the truth to her 'genius', she fears of being... outcasted." Karma explained.

"But we will never do such a thing."

"Yeah, and everyone has rights to keep their secrets."

"But does (f/n) know that."

They kept silent not knowing how to answer that statement.

"Mother probably wants you to prove that you are trustworthy, that's why she did that." Karma continued "you can call this a test."

"But how can we prove that. We don't have much time."

"Yeah our deadline to kill koro sensei is one more year"

"plus this will be our last year together. So either way, we will part ways."

Besides we have our own problems as well like our academic performance, not to mention we also have high school to think about."

"Do you think we can win her trust thinking like that." Nagisa interrupts "We will help her get over her problems and make her trust again."

"Yeah, you're right"
They looked down guiltily.


"Keep in mind that (f/n) is a part of Class A right now." Ritsu reminded them.

"Ugh, that right." Kayano whined/groans.

"As if our time isn't short enough, the chances to help (f/n) just keep getting slimmer."

Ritsu being the helpful AI she is. Showed a ticking clock. "According to my calculation she is a crucial part of E-class. And with (f/n) our probability of assassinating Korosensei increase by at least 5%. We must do whatever it takes. But time is ticking."

"So does anyone have a plan?"

"Well for better or for worse Class A are having some kind of review classes before the actual school year. These classes last about a week."

"Let's see the classes are mandatory for A-Class and optional for the rest of the students," Isogai recalled.

"I get it so during that time we will snoop around and look out for (f/n)," Kayano exclaims.

"Yeah, and what could we possibly be punished for, for wanting to 'study' in school," Rio added.

"Right this is operation 'stalk (f/n)'... that did not come out right."

"Karma, keep the naming part to me" Ritsu facepalmed.
(F/n) was sleeping motionlessly in the next room.

Little did they know her mom was secretly listening to their conversation.

She smiled. 'How lucky you are (f/n).'


Korosensei: what happened to my screen time.

Karma: duh its an infiltration...

Rio: how are we going to explain an octopus running around at mock 20 on school grounds.

Isogai: plus you're banned from the main building by Mr. Karasuma.

Korosensei: so mean

Confused yet
Cuz it's only going to get worse from here

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