Part 69

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Final math problem...

half of our class was weeded out before getting this far. The other half has absolutely no time to spare and was so exhausted they didn't have the energy to solve it. The only students left still standing with any chance at earning full marks in the few minutes left are those two...

"Hey Hey Hey!!" (f/n) shouted at the camera. "You're forgetting someone."

(a/n): oh yeah... back at E-class building Korosensei and Irena are playing a game of Poker.

(f/n): no no no. ME, where's my screentime.

Director: shaddap, come back when you're the main character

Editor (looking through the stats): actually she is the main character

(f/n): honestly, how can you forget this beautiful face

DIrector: well to a director like me you are nothing no different than an extra; you faced barely any hardships. even the hardest exams of the series are nothing to you.

(f/n) offended: I'll have you know I am the typical important overpowered, mary sue, MAIN CHARACTER.

Director: "important," she says...

Editor: "typical," she says...

Author:... did I make her too op

Director and editor giving the face: You think


Anyway back to the 'plot'

"the last question was pretty hard, I'm exhausted" (f/n) said lying on the battlefield surrounded by titanic corpses. "gonna take a nap."

"hmph once we go back you're hitting the books," (Mom) puffed. "If something this easy makes you break a sweat you clearly need more studying."

"great after I hit them, I'm throwing them out the window and burning it to smithereens." (f/n) said sarcastically.


"Alrighty class, let's all have a look at your compiled exam papers did those crucial second blades manage to pierce their intended targets? No splitting hair over a point or two, understood?" Korosensei handed out their graded exams at Mach 20.

"the only thing we're concerned with right now is whether these scores can secure a place for you in the top 50. Unless I'm mistaken the main campus ought to be posting the results for all to see as we speak. So I see no reason we can't do the same in E-class"

Immediately, everyone stands up and walks towards the board, the atmosphere filled with tension and excitement for the result.

They stay silent as they search for their names.

"Y-you're kidding me... I'm 46th!?" Terasaka gaped at the results.

"Isn't Terasaka dead last even in the E Class?"

"If Terasaka came in 46th...then that means..."

"We did it!" Everyone cheers loudly, throwing their test papers into the air.

"And we beat out the Big 5 for the top spots— go us!"

"Karma, you got first place!" Karma exhales in relief.

Feels pretty good, doesn't it? Earning the highest rank on such an unforgiving battlefield" Korosensei praised. "it seems your contest with Asano the perfectionist came to an end on that last and I must say thorny math problem.

"Whatever I guess so yeah." He replied slightly embarrassed by the attention.

"Well I, on the other hand, expected nothing less," (f/n) said smugly, sticking her nose into the air. "He is my brother after all."

"Why do you sound like you gave birth and raised me." Karma retorts teasingly. "Besides what are you so smug about I'm two ranks above you."

"Tch, you got lucky..." (f/n) clicks her tongue.

"so (f/n) care to explain the results over this exam." Korosensei presence loomed over her with her test papers in her hand.

*********In the main campus teacher's lounge******

"Didn't you say that a student got full marks on the hardest question on each of the subjects." The A-class teacher asks.

"Yes, the student is named Akabane (f/n)."

"If she is such a genius, why is she only in the 3rd rank," He asks.

"The rest of her answers are all marked for partial credit" one of the graders explained.

"but compared to the final problems, the rest is relatively easy."

"Well, the thing is... her handwriting was so horrid... it impossible to read."


Back to E-class

They all sweatdropped after hearing the reason behind her low grades.

"It's like we're in a fanfiction, and the rest of us normal people are only created to make you genius main leads look good." Fuwa dramatically shed tears.

"Hey, do you know how hard it was to write with my hand coordination all messed up." (f/n) clenched her fists and with the same dramatic flair as Fuwa, fell to her knees. "The dead are haunting me."

'how rude calling me a ghost, you're alive thanks to me.' She angrily lectured. 'you lost a game of Go, and the punishment was decided by me. I just disorientated your nerves in your hand. So every time you move your thumb you actually move your middle finger. Of course, that's just an example, the nerves will keep changing every minute.'

"It was torturous..."(f/n) grimly said remembering her mom's words. "I like to see you try taking that test with that kind of handicap. I end up giving up and wrote with my mouth."

"make sense," Karma said. "Knowing you refuse to admit defeat."

"I will have my revenge," (f/n) glared at her hands while her brother slowly backs away from her angry bloodlust.

*****The nurse office*******

"Seriously why are you every-freaking-where," Gakushu winced slightly as (f/n) carefully (cough* sadistically) treat his wounded face.

"instincts?" She innocently replies then sat on the infirmary bed right next to his. "but I must say, I never expect your father would lash out like that."

"what happened to that instinct of your." He mocked.

"well even if I knew, I still would've sat back and watched with a bag of popcorn." She smirks.

"Hey, my rank is higher than yours now, at least give me some face." He grimaced.

"Oh, you mean this face." She laughed teasingly smacking his wound.


"Woah did I miss something?" (f/n) said breathing heavily as she is worn out running up the mountain after hearing an explosion.

"yeah you did, look," Terasaka pointed towards their semi-destroyed classrooms. Where their knew classmate Itona is. "Korosensei is about to be assassinated."

"what??!?" (f/n) screamed.

'it seems while you were flirting with that kid you missed out on some of the major plot development of the story'

"Mo~m, the fourth wall" (f/n) whined, "and I wasn't flirting."

"And seriously! My phone is still in there." (f/n) screamed remembering her possession which is now amongst the debris.

"that's what you're worried about?" Karma sweatdropped.


(a/n): In case you guys didn't pick up on it

Karma got first place

Gakushu got second

and (f/n) got third

Director: I thought I made it clear enough

Editor: this chapter is everywhere

(a/n): like your life (lol)

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