Part 29

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Principal office. Third pov

"Do you understand why I summoned you here, Gakushu."

He stood there not making a single noise.

"You had a wager with E class, a wager you lost. Everyone knows about this wager of yours. You will have a tough time refusing them now. what will you do now? Do you need the schools to protect you."

"Not necessary." Gakushu glared.

"I believe you said, you would put me on a leash and keep me as a pet, or attempt to expose my nonexistent secrets." the principal stands up from his desk and slowly walked towards Gakushu.
"You certainly talk big for a whelp who cant win a bet with his peers." Gakushu clenched his teeth.

The door bursts open.
"I'm sorry did I ruin your precious father and son moments."

Gakushu pov

"What is the meaning of this?" She slammed the table. "If its a joke it has poor taste." Eyeing him with disdain.

"Hardly a joke. You are to be transferred to A class."

"Your reasons." She questioned crossing her arm.

"With your grades its only natural for you to be a part of A class."

She sneered. "I reject."

"Your opinion is not needed, this is an order from your principal" a malicious aura oozed out of him.
(F/n) responds with her own aura filled with killing intent. The room is now unbearable as the two had their staring contest.

"Why are you still here" she turned and directed her attention towards me,  chills ran down my spine, as her cold black orbs stared daggers at me. "Leave" she ordered.

I walked out. Not wanting to be in the middle of this conflict. Closing the door behind me.

'What are you scheming.' I couldn't help but think.

Time skip brought to you by lazy author~~~

There was a long period of silence before the door reopened and out tumbled (f/n). She looked dazed for a moment before punching the wall. She removed her hand revealing a cm deep crack in the wall. "Your plan won't work... this school system you created, will be your undoing."

She froze sensing my presence. Her bangs covered her eyes, "happy now, you got what you want."
I didn't answer.
"this is what you want isn't it, to diminish my pride, and become your loyal dog." She looked at me as my eyes slowly widen.

She walked past me. "I suppose this is what they call 'Winning the battle, But lost the war'." She chuckled bitterly.

I was speechless not because what she said. But her eyes. When she was yelling at me her eyes they were temporarily blue... a trick of the light or something else.


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