Part 78

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"she's alive... SHE'S ALIVE!!!" (f/n) shouted followed by very obnoxious laughing,  then starts coughing midway through. Korosensei had just finished his fight with the updated version of The Reaper and saved Kayano's life. "...She's alive?"

Confused, Kayano blinked a couple of times. " What did you? You saved me again..." Then screeches as her classmates jumped her into a group hug full of tears.

"I thought you were dead." Okajima cries. "Who else will be able to fulfill the goddess of my dreams?"

"shut up you perv." Meg said in disgust. "you too (f/n)."

"oh come on lighten up, the enemy is gone and with 0 casualties." Nakamura waved her hands dismissively. "and we didn't waste that cake."

Kayano smiled before sneezing. "It's cold" She comments then looked at the sorry excuse of her clothes. She lets another ear-piercing scream, covering her chest. "What happens to my top!" as the boys of the class turned their gaze away in embarrassment, Okajima, on the other hand, got his head forcefully turned away by Meg. She probably broke his neck but no one cares about him.

Itona still squatted in front of Kayano, "I'm so sorry" he mutters expressionlessly before continuing to stare at her with great intensity.

"shut up!"

"Oh poor you!" (f/n) gave him a pitied look. "LabRat you've never had thoughts about a girl before. Oh, that's right! You've spent so long with revenge plaguing your every thought. Not having to experience puberty yet, I feel so sorry for you!"

"I don't want to hear that coming from a pervert." Itona glares at her. "and stop giving me that look."

"Easy now." Maehara took off his top and draped it gently around Kayano. "Hey, at least Korosensei manage to fix your hair."

"I know but I wish he could've done something about my clothes." She cries.

In the midst of the crazy joyful chaos, Korosensei leaned back and collapsed.

"Clean up on aisle 6." (f/n) exclaims.

Korosensei let out a huge sigh. "I'm exhausted." Seeing as none of his students made any movement he spoke up. "Come now, what kind of assassin lets a target linger at death's door. Don't you understand? at this point, you're just running out the clock."

"I'm sorry children. All good things must come to an end, that's life. That's the nature of this classroom"

The red light above began to swell indicating that the hour has come. It hurt, but we didn't have a second to waste.

And so we put aside our feelings and made our decision. We wish it never comes to this but the end is all too close to reach.  We're assassins and our target is our teacher. these are the non-negotiable terms of are bond the only way to graduate with honor. We knew what had to be done and it hurt.

We all took a firm hold of our teacher's tentacles. Korosensei's Weak Point #33: Can be captured if everyone holds him down.

"Your heart is under your tie, you said? Which one of us is gonna..." Kataoka whispers, knowing that no one wishes to kill him.

After much hesitation, Nagisa decides to take it upon himself to do it, suddenly speaking up, "Guys, please... let me. I'll do it." They look up as he walks over to them with his anti-sensei knife in hand, showing no signs of weakness.

"Sure I got no beef with that," Terasaka said.

"Well, you are the head of the class, so I suppose it makes sense." Karma smiles offering no complaints.

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